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| Sunday, July 31, 2005 Scott, Erik, McFly and I went to Magic Mountain today, so I figured I'd let my pictures do the talking. Well, pictures and captions.... shuttup.... ![]() Here we are riding Goliath. In this picture, it's quite plain to see that Scott is, in fact, a retard. LOOK AT HIM! He's obviously retarded... Yes, we were too cheap to buy the picture, so I took one with my cameraphone, but that's not the point. SCOTT IS A RETARD! LOOK!!! HAHAhA! ![]() Around lunch-time, David realized he couldn't find his cell phone. We deduced that he must have lost it on Batman (we had ridden it three times by now). We went back (and rode it two more times), and at the exit, under the tracks, we could see it. Well, it's a cell phone, and we're pretty sure it's his. Check out the photographic evidence! I hope he gets it back, so I can post about it online... ![]() In one of the arcades, some random windows error. Picture 1. ![]() Closeup of the thing. COMEON, it's funny! Okay, maybe not. SHUTTUP! Picture 2. ![]() Scott's impression of himself. ![]() David's impression of Scott. ![]() Erik's impression of Scott. ![]() My impression of Scott. Whose is best? ![]() It was really hot, so we went to the bridge near a big water ride, where everyone gets soaked. After being soaked, Erik looked less happy... ![]() ..I thought being soaked was a good thing.... ![]() Erik had said sarcastically that we were going to go on Batman seven times. It then became a goal, but we were all really tired and ready to leave after six. This is his "we're all losers" face.
Friday, July 29, 2005 Okay, spamming has just gotten TOO weird. I mean, this was in my inbox: What's that even freakin' mean?! In dance in jerky josh? JERKY JOSH?!!!! What the hell IS that? Oy.. anyway, I also would like to share an idea I had. The Antiblog. Yeah, it's a place online that you put up a lot of crap all at once, and then every day or so take some of it down until there's nothing left. Pretty neat, huh?.. Well, I like it!.. Maybe if I'm bored enough...........
I wanna thank Em and Erik for clicking my ads. I dont know how much you click them, but hey, whatever. Google just said I'm not allowed to. I made over $13 yesterday, alone, and I'll definitely pass $50 today. That means a couple more weeks and I'll have my first payment. Thanks guys. If you've been clicking my ads, leave a comment and lemme know who you are, so I can thank you too! Edit: It's almost 3 in the a.m. (I always hated when people said that, I don't know why I just did...) and I'm over $50! Nifty!!
Thursday, July 28, 2005 Conversation between McFly and myself. Edited for continutiy: McFly: some foundation likes me Me: i've got a foundation that likes you Me: IN MY PANTS! McFly: thats the only one that counts for me
For my peeps, here's another link-post to enjoy. Thanks, guys! (I hope you use a tabbed browser like firefox or safari...)
Monday, July 25, 2005 So, of the total 13 some odd dollars I've made so far, about 8 and a half were from today, alone. So, whoever is clicking my ads, this one's for you... from Thurgood Marshall.... um... yeah..... I don't even understand this one, but what can you do?.. ![]() Edit: I made $10.32 in one day. I never thought I'd get $10 in one day. If that happens everyday, my blog would actually count as a salary! $300/month?! From a blog that nobody reads?!!!!! Keep it up kids, and I'll make some pretty new entries for ya!
So, since I have nothing better to do, every word contained in this post will be a link to a picture... Too bad I don't have very much to write, for I have been pretty bored all day... The End.
Sunday, July 24, 2005 Sorry for posting a lot about the google adsense stuff (which you all should be clicking, by the way), but this post is an experiment. You see, the ads are generated based on the content of this page, so I figured, if I just..... Travel Vacation Bahammas Bermuda Jamaica Puerto Rico New Zealand Tourist Camera Airfare Expedia Flight Plane Ticket Train Passport Orbitz Hotel Kayak Cheap Tickets Flight Jet Europe Asia Australia Tourism Travel Destinations Traveling Air Exchange Rate Currency Traveler's Checks Traveler Tropical Island Getaway Hotels Beaches Swimsuits Travel Deals Rental Car Travel Vacation Bahammas Bermuda Jamaica Puerto Rico New Zealand Tourist Camera Airfare Expedia Flight Plane Ticket Train Passport Orbitz Hotel Kayak Cheap Tickets Flight Jet Europe Asia Australia Tourism Travel Destinations Traveling Air Exchange Rate Currency Traveler's Checks Traveler Tropical Island Getaway Hotels Beaches Swimsuits Travel Deals Rental Car Travel Vacation Bahammas Bermuda Jamaica Puerto Rico New Zealand Tourist Camera Airfare Expedia Flight Plane Ticket Train Passport Orbitz Hotel Kayak Cheap Tickets Flight Jet Europe Asia Australia Tourism Travel Destinations Traveling Air Exchange Rate Currency Traveler's Checks Traveler Tropical Island Getaway Hotels Beaches Swimsuits Travel Deals Rental Car Travel Vacation Bahammas Bermuda Jamaica Puerto Rico New Zealand Tourist Camera Airfare Expedia Flight Plane Ticket Train Passport Orbitz Hotel Kayak Cheap Tickets Flight Jet Europe Asia Australia Tourism Travel Destinations Traveling Air Exchange Rate Currency Traveler's Checks Traveler Tropical Island Getaway Hotels Beaches Swimsuits Travel Deals Rental Car Travel Vacation Bahammas Bermuda Jamaica Puerto Rico New Zealand Tourist Camera Airfare Expedia Flight Plane Ticket Train Passport Orbitz Hotel Kayak Cheap Tickets Flight Jet Europe Asia Australia Tourism Travel Destinations Traveling Air Exchange Rate Currency Traveler's Checks Traveler Tropical Island Getaway Hotels Beaches Swimsuits Travel Deals Rental Car Soo, that should do it? We'll see if it works. If you start getting ads about travel, then it worked. experiment, AWAY!
Saturday, July 23, 2005 "You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak For anything tougher than suet; Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak Pray, how did you manage to do it?" "In my youth," said his fater, "I took to the law, And argued each case with my wife; And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life." - Lewis Carroll
Friday, July 22, 2005 TECHNICAL UPDATE Rather than posting how much money I'm making... and it is EVER so much... I've decided to keep a little running tab up there under the emoguy. I'll update the total every wheneverIfeellikeit. Also, you may have noticed that a lot of the images and videos aren't up right now. Well, it appears that I've gone over my bandwidth limit for the month. So, from now on, all pictures I post will be via bloggers new image hosting service, and only videos and such will go to freewebtown (which I highly recommend if you need free webspace). Also, from now on, I'll be linking to any videos I upload instead of just having them on the page. It'll save bandwidth and cut down on page loading times. Soo, that does it for the little tech updated. Hope you guys enjoyed it?....... And keep clicking the ads. Make me some cash, baby! CHA CHing.
Thursday, July 21, 2005 Here's an update. So far I've made $.44 with the ads. Exciting stuff, I know! Especially since I dont get paid until I reach at least $100...... which at this rate will be 3/4 of a year from now. We'll see..... -- Update update! -- (Get it? because this post was originally an update, and now there's an update to that..... forget it......) ANYHOW, I'm over a buck!! THat's right, bitches! $1.07 I'm in the money now, BITCHES!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 So, you may have noticed that there are ads on the right side of my blog now. Yes yes, i've sold out, blah blah blah. But I figured, why not make a buck? It's sort of an experiment, to see if I actually do make any money, which I entirely doubt I will. So, if you're here, just go ahead and click an advertisement over there. Don't buy anything, for god's sake, but just click it. If this google adsense thing doesn't make me more than $.60, I'll get rid of it. I also cleaned up the HTML on my blog template, so if things are a little screwy, lemme know, because I can't tell what windows IE renders the page like.... so that's it, I guess...
Here are some pictures of the case I made out of a Glide container for my Nintendo DS games. Why is this on my blog? Mostly boredom. ENJOY! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Emily wrote me a poem while I was peeing today. Here it is: there once was a boyfriend named josh Hmmmmmmm... mosh (m ![]() v. moshed, mosh·ing, mosh·es v. intr.
Saturday, July 16, 2005 Here are some pictures from Erik's party tonight. I'm not gonna write anything about them... too lazy. Plus there's not a whole lot to say. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Thursday, July 14, 2005 "As far as I can see, American men have been totally emasculated - they're like slaves! They die like flies from coronary thrombosis while their women sit under hairdryers eating chocolates and arranging for every 2nd Tuesday to be some sort of Mother's Day! And this infantile preoccupation with bosoms. In all time in this Godforsaken country, the one thing that has appalled me most of all this this prepostrous preoccupation with bosoms. Don't you realize they have become the dominant theme in American culture: in literature, appetizing and all fields of entertainment and everything. I'll wager you anything you like that if American women stopped wearing brassieres, your whole national economy would collapse overnight."
Monday, July 11, 2005 Saturday, July 09, 2005 Okay, so we've got a wedding update to do, but first, some things from the back-catelogue of te-haas whatnot. Yes yes, not everything I plan to post online gets online. So, this is from the LOST FILES ![]() This is one of my favorite headlines EVER ![]() Emily IS the Dark Knight Okay, so that's it for the LOST FILES. Now I have one more non-wedding related dealy. This one just shows how windy it is all up in here. And now for the wedding update. This probably won't have much significance for all the non-family readers out there, but since half of my regulars ARE in my family, I don't see it as being too much of a problem... Okay, here comes the good stuff (NOTE: since it was low-light, these aren't as high in quality, so there are no thumbnails, just smaller pictures). ![]() We'll start it out with the newlyweds ![]() Here are my folks dancing. Below is a video of it. The ones of my parents dancing were more for my sentimentality than anything, because lets face it, they're cute as a dick (to partially quote George Carlin) I guess OutKast is now fair game for wedding music... ![]() Here's what my Uncle Wade is famous for - The Snake. Video below. Sorry for the bad angles, but the snake is the snake. Picture above. ![]() To end this post off, here's a shitty panorama of where I was sitting at the reception So that'll do it. Later, kids.
Friday, July 08, 2005 I'VE BEEN RATTED OUT!!! Sorry friends, but the security and privacy of this blog has been compromised. Sorry. ... No, I'm kidding. But here's the story: We're driving back from the rehearsal dinner. In the car are my family, my two young cousins and my aunt and uncle. So, to make a long story short, it appears as though my aunt an uncle frequent my blog, and my aunt was just dying not being able to say anything to me about it. So yes it's true, it's a large world out there, but the internet seems to find a way to bring people blah blah blah and so forth. I know, not very interesting. And no, I'm not taking my blog offline now that my family reads it. If I wanted something private, I wouldnt post it online. Sure, some of it may be embarrassing (think this, or this... actually, only that second one is even slightly embarrassing. That first one is just funny..), but I've got nothing to hide. I'm just glad I've got any readers at all, and that people find this shit funny. I barely find this shit funny. You know, I really should separate out those old posts. Really, if you're new to my blog, don't read anything before, say, 8/01/04. Because before that I was all stupid and not funny. Now i'm stupid and ... not funny.... Well, it was not funnier then, than it is now. Not funnier?... Whatever, you get my point. Wow, this post started with some coherency but just lost it, didn't it? So, since this post has lost all coherency anyway, and since I'm sure many of you have either no idea what i'm talking about or couldn't give a flying fuck anyhow, here's a picture of a guy tossin' a pizza. Enjoy.
Thursday, July 07, 2005 So here I am in the hotel on the beach of florida. Today we were driving along and I saw a sign for the hurricane evacuation route, so that just may come in handy what with the florida weather. Okay, so not much of an update, but I have wifi at the hotel, so I'll be online a bunch. I'll update more later. New voicemail. CHECK IT! (nice one, kiddo)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005 So, I figured I should post something. I'm not really sure what to write about... HOLYCRAP. I was just reading some blogger stuff, and it says that I can host up to 300mb of images on blogger. I didn't know that! Sooo, thanks google! Now I'll NEVER run out of space. Also, it says I can post from my phone with pictures and whatnot. Like, on the road and all. So I may just do that. That'd be pretty cool. So, I guess that's all for now?... Yeah. Sorry for the shitty post.
Sunday, July 03, 2005 So here I am, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. My family all went to the bathroom, and I'm sitting with the luggage, and I decided to post an update. What a dork am I? I really am only online for a minute. Literally. UPDATE: So it's about a minute and a half after I just posted that last bit, and now my family is getting their checked baggage. Me being the traveler I am, I have no checked bags; and me being the dork I am, I am back online, posting on my blog. The flight was pretty good. Jet Blue is the savior of commercial airlines, methinks. Although, my Continental flight coming back from Te-haas was better, but that's only because I had a bulkhead seat and the pilot was sassy. Anyway, during today's flight, somewhere over Te-haas, there was a HUGE lightening storm. That was super-cool to the maxx to see. Really pretty. So I've seen LA at night in really dense fog, and Te-haas in an electrical storm. (Note, I'd never heard it called an "electrical storm" until I moved to California. It was always a "thunderstorm" when I was growing up. But I like the term "electrical storm" - it sounds more epic.
Saturday, July 02, 2005 So here I am in the long beach airport. I must say, I like this airport - its got a very laid-back feeling too it. Very small. Most of it isn't even in-doors. Here's a panorama. But there's still wifi. What a cool airport. I just have to post this, no matter how embarassing... So, my dad is wandering around the terminal for some reason or another. He just sort of walked off. My mom is pretty peeved, because that tends to happen fairly easily when traveling. So, she's complaining because she doesn't understand what he's doing wandering around and reading all the signs in the terminal... Mom: He's got his pen out...
Friday, July 01, 2005 |