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Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
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3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, July 03, 2005
So here I am, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. My family all went to the bathroom, and I'm sitting with the luggage, and I decided to post an update. What a dork am I? I really am only online for a minute. Literally.

UPDATE: So it's about a minute and a half after I just posted that last bit, and now my family is getting their checked baggage. Me being the traveler I am, I have no checked bags; and me being the dork I am, I am back online, posting on my blog.

The flight was pretty good. Jet Blue is the savior of commercial airlines, methinks. Although, my Continental flight coming back from Te-haas was better, but that's only because I had a bulkhead seat and the pilot was sassy.

Anyway, during today's flight, somewhere over Te-haas, there was a HUGE lightening storm. That was super-cool to the maxx to see. Really pretty. So I've seen LA at night in really dense fog, and Te-haas in an electrical storm. (Note, I'd never heard it called an "electrical storm" until I moved to California. It was always a "thunderstorm" when I was growing up. But I like the term "electrical storm" - it sounds more epic.

would you call the pilot 'my sassy pilot?' by that i mean did he drink a lot and puke up rice on you in the subway as you carry him home?

i dont get it, erik...
anyways, i heart you and your dorkishness!!
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