
Recent Voicemails

1. Erik
2. Mumsy
3. JT$
4. Emily
5. Emily
6. Mcfly
7. Mcfly
8. Pops
9. Emily

Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Monday, May 30, 2005
McFly: aww, baby
Me: sweetheart
McFly: why are you so afraid to love me?

I don't know, Mcfly. I just don't know........

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I'm tired. Yes this is an entry, albeit a shitty one.

So shitty even Emily didn't bother posting a comment.

so shitty
i fell asleep posting my comment until now.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
Well, it's been a full day since the culmination of Safe Boating Week. Nobody I know got injured in any sort of maritime accident, and for that I and all of humankind is grateful. Are grateful? No, is grateful. I probably should have just gone back and deleted that instead of continued to write it. And then I wouldn't have to have written this at all. Man, this has gone on WAY too long, and talking about it more doesn't make it any briefer...

The next bit here is for Emily only, but I guess I can't stop any of you from reading it. So you can do that if you want, but it's not meant for you, so don't take it the wrong way. Anyway, FOR EMILY ONLY - highlight the next section to read your PRIVATE message.

Hey baby!

Ummm, how are things? I hope they're real groovy and far out and such.

Okay, bye Dollface!


So what now to talk about? Well, to not a whole lot. I know I had SOMETHING to write about, but it escapes my brain function capacity at this moment. Oh well. If it was important, it'll come back to me. SOooo, I think that'll do it for this entry.

That'll do, Donkey. That'll do...

i wish things were groovy.
i just got yelled at. and cried.
now my mom is crying, i think.
it's intense. i think she hates me.
ummmm i love you.
and p.s. it's supposed to be "are," because it's you + another person, as in, "we are grateful".... got it?

I bet Josh likes Emily's private section. Oh yes. Thank you, I'll be here all week.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Conversation McFly and I had about Sarah.

i already told nix i'd hang out with her though
is she at school?
she immed me this morning to ask who i was
that's it really
she forgot who my screenname was
i told her
she didn't say anything for ten minutes
so i went and got breakfast
came back, and she had asked how it was going
and then didn't answer when i responded
real enthralling story
oh, you should have been here when it was happening
real nail-biter

yay nix!
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Time for a little photo update of some pictures I've taken the past few days. As always, click to enlarge the photo...

Eeesh. Ewww. Euuch... Mountain Dew?! I'll take a clam juice. (Simpsons reference, and yes I know it's supposed to be crab juice..)

Oh yeah! EXTREME COOKIES! WOOOOOOO-YEAH!.....................

Me with Nix's hat. I need to buy a hat...

Alex and Jess having some hot lesbian action. NO FOOLING!

Jess's reaction. Man, she LOVES it!!

Alex screwin' Jess. HOT!

Well, there you have it! 100% unaltered, completely not-taken-out-of-context photos of Jess and Alex screwing each other. I know, it's unbelievable. I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't seen it, but there it is!

dammit-- i had deleted the last so that i could just leave my name-- didn't realize it would still show that there was a comment. hah.

anyway all i said was:

oh, josh.

::shakes head::

[besides, you know jess isn't my type ;) ]

you look all hot in that hat..
i miss you!!
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Friday, May 27, 2005
First off, I have to qualify a statement I wrote yesterday. I mad a bad pun, and then offered you, my readers, my sincerest apologies. This was a lie. I do apologize for putting you all through a bad pun, but I do not offer my sincerest apologies; my sincerest apologies are reserved for atrocities like this:

Click to Enlarge

Okay, now for a funny conversation excerpt!!!

McFly:: yo, i'm driving you
Me: buh?!
Me: okay
McFly:: to canter's
Me: okay
Me: alskdjf
Me: WHAT?!
Me: i had NO idea
Me: ...
Me: that we were going to canters
Me: today
Me: in a car
Me: at 8:30
Me: did you get the sarcasm?
McFly:: yeah, just a bit
Me: okay, good
Me: making sure it got through

you just ruined lasbians for me...


p.s. you didnt really write this on friday, you wrote it thursday evening!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Man, I never thought that posting everyday would be so difficult, but i've really got NOTHING to talk about. Unless you wanna hear about the mattress i wanna buy for next year...... yeah, i didnt think so. Sooo, here's the obligatory Safe Boating Week picture. Hope everyone else's week is going just swimmingly (couldn't resist the pun... my sincerest apologies.)

talk about the mattress!!
it sounds like a classy fellow.

boating under the influence sounds kinda fun
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Another day of boating safety, ain't it grand?! Oh, what's this? Matt Lauer wishes you a Happy and Safe week of Boating?!

even the celebrities are in on it now!!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
So, I went to the mall with erik to do junk and look for mattresses. I found an AMAZING mattress for REALLY cheap. In the back of my mind, i know there must be some catch, because there doesn't seem to be one, but I really like this mattress. I know, a mattress, who freakin' cares. WELL, I DO YOU RUDE SONOFABITCH! I'm going back today to look at it again.

Anyhow, in other news, safe boating week is progressing nicely. Speaking of which, here's to-day's Safe Boating Picture:
Oh, you just KNOW this guy wishes you a Happy Safe Boating Week.


Beat you to it, Emily. Boo yeah!

prolly because you were stuck at home while i was out having FUN!
who's the real winner here?
in other news, josh's resolution is coming along nicely.
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Monday, May 23, 2005

Click to Enlarge

This guy is demonstrating some safe boating! Don't believe me? Look at the banner in the background. Oh yes, SafeBoatingWeekisGood!

So, after a wild night of scene it and taboo, erik informed me that he still had a key to the electric cart from when he worked at Cafe 84. So, suffice it to say, a few of us took a little joyride. However, just before we ended our little fun, you could hear me say, "hahaha, i'm gonna fall out!!!" followed by me falling out of the cart and being sprayed by sprinklers. Thank god it's not Safe Electric Carting Week...

i'm so glad that you're okay and it sounds like you had a lotta fun.
i can't wait to see you!

no it most certainly is not safe electric carting week. that's in novemeber! we're so partying for that!
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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Yes it's true. I've realized the truth of truths. A Safe Boating Week miracle for sure!

In other news, Snoopy wants to wish you all a very special and happy Safe Boating Week!

happy safe boating week to you, dear!!
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It is at this time of year that we should all think about a world without safe boating, and be thankful for the nautical safety which we take for granted.

Safe Boating Week is a time of happiness, gift-giving, and all around maritime safety.

Have fun and boat safely!

happy safe-boating week to you too, Josh!

What would you do with a drunken sailor?

Report him to the captain, put him in the detox ward, and make sure that his reckless actions don't endanger others.

happy belated safe boating week joshy-woshy!
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Broke my resolution?! I do not think so, my dear. Just because I didn't post at the same time, doesnt mean I broke my resolution. Lets recap:

    May 18 - Josh makes dumb resolution to post every day
    May 19 - Josh restates his resolution and posts a picture of Buster Keaton
    May 20 - Josh responds to Emily's accusation of screwing up with his resolution, and then posts a random picture of a monkey

So you see, when I said I would post every day, that gives me a 24 hour period in which to post something informative and entertaining. So, don't be so hasty...

well, you post around 3-4am everyday... which gets pretty odd with all the time differences and such, mister!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
So, I promised to update daily, and that's just what I'm going to do! Well, try to. Problem is: i'm not sure what to write. Hmmmmmmm. Well, here's what's on my desktop right now:

Just that and a black background. It's Buster Keaton for those who were wondering. I saw that shot when emily and I went to the silent movie theater. It's from "The Scarecrow". (I never know whether or not to put the period inside or our outside of the quotation mark...) It just kind of affected me somehow. I just like it. So, that's all for now.

Short post from the dim-witted...

yay buster keaton!
i wanna go back to the silent movie theater... :-(
::crosses fingers you wont hate me when we're back::

you already broke your resolution!!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
(Pardon the caps...)


ohboy, I can't WAIT!

besides the fact that it's AWESOME....
i forgot why you celebrate safe boating week.....
::bites lip::
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Okay, my new resolution is to, SOMEHOW, take the time out of my BUSY, busy day to post at least once everyday. So, this is a long overdue post (thanks georgia. nice to know i have readers!) I figured I'd post some pictures, how's that sound? Good? Good. As (almost) always, click to see in HI-REZ

Here's an original Yellow Submarine poster! Groovy!

Hannah's fabulous impression of a monkey. Remarkable!

Emily told me to take this picture, so she gets credit for bringin' the funny on this one...

yaaaaaaay beatles
and hannah
and me!

i hope yuo update everyday now.
because THAT would be just groovin'!
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Friday, May 13, 2005
It's been a while since I posted, so I guess I'm just gonna write. Sorry if it's not all that entertaining or interesting, or as I like to say, intertaining. Get it? No? Alright. So here's the scoop, as it were:

Finished moving out, except for a fucking power strip and my cell phone charger. So, if you try to call me between now and tomorrow, my celly might be off. So there's that.

Emily's going back to Texas soon. That's, well, that's what it is. Time apart will be good, in the long run, methinks. Still, I'm sad about it all the same.

Getting into the swing of summer. It's interesting how your group of friends completely changes when you're not in school, and then you go back to school and it changes again. Odd. It's like at school I'm Superman, and at home, I'm Clark Kent. Or vice versa. Actually, at school I'm Superman, and at home I'm Superman, so whatever.

I stayed up last night and watched Angels with Dirty Faces. Man, do I love James Cagney. If you answered "yes," you are correct. About a handful. (If you didn't get that last joke, get out of your cave, on mars, with your fingers in your ears, and your eyes closed.)

So, I think that's about it. My next updates will be more intertaining. I hope. (You hope...)

i miss you
but i think(hope) i'm getting better.
also, i didnt get the last joke.... sorry i suck at life!
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Monday, May 02, 2005
Having a hard time deciding things. But I realize that this isn't exactly good, quality entertainment. So here's something funny. It's a picture of David (McFly), that I drew.

Click to view in HI-REZ

Also, here's a picture that may have some significance to someone. Maybe not.

Click to view in HI-REZ

i love you.

post a cool picture!!
like geese you've seen or something....
oh wait.. you don't HAVE one. hmmm..... LAME.

::muah:: !
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