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Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, August 31, 2003
This posting is dedicated to the always lovely Hannah Lee:

For those of you who have no idea what that is... good.

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Saturday, August 30, 2003

Friday, August 29, 2003
I dont feel well. Anyway, that subject prompted this conversation with matt (although it does seem to be quite the one-sided conversation...):

Me: i hope i dont have mono....
Me: i sound like hannah

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Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Monday, August 25, 2003
I believe the following excerpt of a conversation I had with Janice pretty much sums up my entire personality (or lack thereof):

Hard Crocodile i have no sense of humor
Hard Crocodile: just a monkey

If anyone doesn't think that is me all over, feel free to tell me why, but I doubt I'll have anyone disagree that those statements pretty much sum me up.

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So, everyone talks about how it hasn't hit them that we're in college yet. Others are jealous of my new found freedom. I guess I can chalk it up to my liberal parents, but I really don't see the big deal.

I never have.

I mean, I can remember going from elementary to middle school. I was nervous, but I didn't feel any older. I remember going from middle to high school. Nothing. And now, what? Well, besides the slight disappointment at the lack of the bacchanalian orgy-type environment which I had been fed to expect (and grown to desire... heh...), college isn't really a big deal. I mean, I walk down the street to my class, and I feel no different than I did two weeks ago. So, then, what is the big deal?

Maybe it would be different if I was a korean girl, and was confined to some area of my house for all of eternity... or a mountain cave, whichever. Maybe I should try that. Confining myself, that is, not being a korean girl...

Not that I could do it. I mean, I'm having enough trouble not being able to get online. I use the few moments I have on Matt's computer as if I was paying for it at Kinkos. Is the 'net really that important to me? Apparently so.

So, I apologize for the long post, but I've had a lot to say and not many people to say it to. Also, I thought I'd post a lot to hold my loyal fans over until I get a computer of my own, and I can post more regularly.

That's it.

P.S. Please ignore the horrible grammar in the bolded sentence above, but it's the only good way to say that. I mean, "...and not many people toward whom to say it."? I mean, I don't even think that's right, AND it sounds like awkward crap. Okay, now I'm REALLY done.

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Sunday, August 24, 2003
I haven't written in a while. Not like I've been too (thank you David) busy lately or anything, but I just haven't done it. Today isn't fantastic. Pretty boring around school. I am free though, uh, again. Kinda wish i wasn't, but not a whole lot I can do about it. Oh well, c'est la vie. My apartment smells a little bit like beer... okay, it smells a whole lot like beer.

On a side note. CDs cost too much money. How can the RIAA expect people not to pirate music when CDs can cost as much as a DVD. I mean, I can remember buying CDs in the early 90s for $15 and $16, and now they're that price on sale. How can they expect people to pay more for dated technology, especially when we can easily pirate it for free.

Fucking Strokes album... fucking $16. FUCK NO!

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Thursday, August 21, 2003
Well, I'm about to spend my first night in college. How is it you ask? (and you do...) Well, for starters, I'm typing this on matt's laptop, 'cause the ethernet isn't working, I bought an ethernet card I can't use, and matt's laptop has a modem in it. Ouch, painful... Dial-up... Anyway, one of my roommates seems cool... well, he seemed cool anyway. He showed up to unpack his shit, and then all the sudden, he was gone. He just never came back. Weird. The other guy isn't too terrible. His name is Will. He has a full scholarship to USC, and for what you ask? (and you do...) WELL, he plays football... kinda. He is the guy that snaps the ball back to the punter. That's it. That gets him $40,000 a year. Free ride. Wow. Anyway, his first few words to us were, "Hey man, you don't mind if I get shitfaced in here, do you?" Oy. So he's been in and out all day with his football buddies, downin' beers and whatnot. At least they're not obnoxious. Just... i dunno... typical?.. SO, that's it. That's my day.

Well, that's not ALL of my day... but that part gets to stay in my mind, and not be written here.

More to come. I'm sure of it.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Xanga is down. Has been for a while. It's times like this it makes me happy that I barely every post my nonesensical ramblings on blogspot... XANGA SUCKS!!!

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So, driving home from magic mountain yesterday, matt, david and I decided that everyone's got a thing. You know, a thing. A quirk, a flaw, whathaveyou. I am manic-depressive. Not clinically, but I am at one moment happy and funny, and the next depressed. Matt is just manic, and david is just depressive. Anyway, the following is part of our conversation:

Matt: You know what a manic person does when he's pissed?... He strangles someone!

at which point matt proceeds to strangle david from the back seat.

David: Oh yeah, well you know what a depressed person does when he's pissed?... He stranges himself!...

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Monday, August 11, 2003
The following haiku is dedicated to Yeesul XXX.

My dearest Yeesul:
You are so elegant, yet,
So fucking dirty.

(This is in reference to her name, "Yessul XXX." Love ya, Shortie!) Enjoy.

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Sunday, August 10, 2003
Quote of the day:

"Dont be so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance."

- Bill Maher

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Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Okay my "peepz," for those who're curious, this is the run-up (... run-down... whatever) of bites on the always gorgeous Hannah Lee's body:

Neck: 9
Face: 2
Right Arm: 3

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