
Recent Voicemails

1. Erik
2. Mumsy
3. JT$
4. Emily
5. Emily
6. Mcfly
7. Mcfly
8. Pops
9. Emily

Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Jerry Orbach has passed away. I am really saddened by this, as he was one of my favorite actors. If you don't know who he is, he played Lenny Briscoe on Law & Order and was also the voice of Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast, to name a few. He will be missed.

For more info, click here: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=amT1hx6nE.ms&refer=us

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Friday, December 24, 2004
So, I got a message from USC saying that the web space the school gives me is 90% full, so I found a free web hosting deal for all my future pictures and videos, but it's kinda slow. Oh well. It's free.

So, here's a picture for you. I went to the gas station tonight, and began pumping. Then I realized that my car is really dirty, so I decided to squeegee the windows. So I clicked that thing on the handle of the nozzle so that it would pump itself, and off I went to clean my windshield. Then the pump automatically shut off, and what do I see? Well, this...
It freakin' stopped ON THE DOLLAR. Well, at least I thought it was impressive. At least enough to take a picture... and put it on my blog.... and write a paragraph about it...

The irony? Well, it was only when I was driving away that I realized that my tank was only half full. Yeah, it automatically shut off prematurely. OH well. I still think it's impressive. I mean, what are the odds that it would stop EXACTLY on the dollar? (... 1/100)

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Monday, December 20, 2004

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
USC is switching from pepsi to coke. It's about time!

In the Cardinal CSC

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Monday, December 13, 2004
Re: Andy's Comment

Dear Andy,
Fuck yes, I did it for the ratings!

Andy's comment - I give it one finger up, out of five.

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Saturday, December 11, 2004
My blog's back? Could it be?!!

Well, no. not exactly... Because now I have a scanner AND a camera phone... That's right, it's


Holy shit. Can you believe it? I know everyone was SO broken up over the removal of my blog before - all one of you who commented - but now it's back and you can bask in it's entertainment-ness. Or something. ANyhow, lets get to the good stuff.

Sarah at Parkside

Kaetlin being real cute... I guess...

Some party

Erik fightin' the power

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Sunday, December 05, 2004
It's Over... more or less...

By the way, I got rid of my old phone. My new number is (818) 276-3879, or if that's too hard (818) PAN FURY... yeah...

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