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Saturday, June 17, 2006
  How about some humor?

First, this. It's from craigslist:

Good Girl Gets Slutty Makeover - Reality Show
Reply to: gigs-172515262@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-06-17, 8:48AM PDT

If you are a good girl, and have always wondered what it would be like to go out on the town
made up like a complete slut, this is the reality series for you ! Let our team of stylists give you loud makeup, big hair, and hot outfits while we film public reactions while you're being outrageous around twon.

Please have a great sense of humour and ready for adventure.

Compensation is set at $500 per day, + copies of your appearance.

Please send one photo of you with make up and one without makeup for consideration.

  • this is in or around Hollywood
  • no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: Compensation is set at $500 per day, + copies of your appearance.
Isnt this superb?! I mean who doesn't want to go out on the twon and be a complete slut?!!! And how would one go about getting a copy of one's appearance?.. and what does that even mean?!

So, hows about some funny fotos now?

MMMmmm. I can't wait to taste that crnbry cock!..?.....

This is a car that was ahead of me in traffic. He was driving pretty quickly too. Oh, and there's a dog asleep in the pickup. Dont' believe me?

Here's the pooch. He woke up. He looks happy.

Another picture of the pup. Not for proof, just because dogs are groovy.

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