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| Friday, May 27, 2005 First off, I have to qualify a statement I wrote yesterday. I mad a bad pun, and then offered you, my readers, my sincerest apologies. This was a lie. I do apologize for putting you all through a bad pun, but I do not offer my sincerest apologies; my sincerest apologies are reserved for atrocities like this:
Okay, now for a funny conversation excerpt!!! McFly:: yo, i'm driving you Me: buh?! Me: okay McFly:: to canter's Me: okay Me: REALLY Me: alskdjf Me: CANTERS?! Me: WHAT?! Me: i had NO idea Me: ... Me: that we were going to canters Me: today Me: in a car Me: at 8:30 Me: did you get the sarcasm? McFly:: yeah, just a bit Me: okay, good Me: making sure it got through