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| Monday, May 31, 2004 Alright, bloggin' time!! So, after an unsuccessful night of trying to play counterstrike, mario and andy came to my place because they wanted to get sloshy. But very little actual drinking occured. Mario had 3 or so shots and a beer i think?... Andy had one screwdriver. I had half of some crappy drink (Captain Morgan, Grenadine, and Pepsi... WAY to sweet!), and a piss-beer. Okay, for some reason, andy thinks MGD is good. It's crap. It's pisswater, people. Pisswater. Anyhow. Mario and I decided to watch some TV, and Friday the 13th 3 or 4 was on. So, we watched that for 5 or 10 minutes, and then decided to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. Mind you, it's about 4 in the morning when we started. Anyhow. I love that movie. I love horror movies. Almost as much as I love short sentences. Mario loves them too. The movies, not short sentences. Well, he might like short sentences. I really wouldnt know. Andy went home soon after we started, as he was not feeling well. The movie finished around 5:30. Mario wanted to go for a walk, so we did. After telling me many, many times how much he was enjoying our morning walk, we decided to walk to IHOP. Of course, we figured the IHOP would be open, but no, they open at 6:30. So, we waited outside for a half hour, then ate pancakes and junk. Of course, mario had to put it on his ATM card because he told me not to bring my wallet, and then spent a dollar on a newspaper, which is the exact amount he came up short. Anyhow, after walking back and being LAME to the max, got back, then watched Law & Order. Six episodes so far. Going for 9, unless it's one i've seen already. Actually, it's starting soon. MMmm. I loves my Laws and Orders! LAter ma' peeps!
Saturday, May 29, 2004 Ahoy, my brothers! Now gather 'round. Well, last night, at midnight marks the official end of Safe Boating Week. It's been a rather good week, I'd say. I hope everybody's had a good week, because that's what the magic of Safe Boating Week is all about. And with that, we'll end Safe Boating Week with a Canadian boat song. Also, I've included a little sea shantie, but I hate it when people just loop music in the background of their blogs, so there's a start/stop button down at the bottom there - I think it adds a little mood... Thanks for the week, my brothers! Faintly as tolls the evening chime, codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0"> TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
Friday, May 28, 2004 After a very boring day consisting of going to the mall with McFly, doing nothing, and then returning home, the night was better. Went with StrongSad and McFly to see Love Me If You Dare. It's this very creative french movie. So, the movie was good. Not great. It looked real nice, and some of the stuff was downright beautiful, but it lacked a lot in the plot and character department, as french films often do. I mean, people did stuff for absolutely no reason. It really detaches you from the character, and bugged the crap out of me. But I'm not going to get all BS-y and analytical, 'cause that pisses me off more... The girl was hott, though... So, then, after the movie, around 12:30, we went to this deli, Canters. They've got really good corned beef, and there are also a lot of hipsters there late at night, because they have live bands - usually some crappy rock band. ANYWAY, we sat next to this guy who looked really familiar to me. I knew WHO he was, but not his name, nor how I recognized him, but I knew that he's kind of the unsung hero behind the music industry, bringing up new talent, and getting no credit. But he knows everyone, and everyone likes him. I just figured that I saw something on TV about it, but, turns out, I JUST remembered him.. His name is Rodney Bingenheimer, and he's the topic of the documentary Mayor of the Sunset Strip. I saw him in the trailer! Ain't that something?! Crazy. That's all folks...
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 It's been a very good Safe Boating week so far. The magic of the week is definitely there. Don't believe me? The following submission from Alex proves it! The fact that she was behind this truck AND just happened to have her camera with her... it's a SAFE BOATING MIRACLE! Thank you for the picture, Alex! ![]()
Saturday, May 22, 2004 Happy Safe Boating Week!! ![]() Yes that's right. Today marks the first day of Safe Boating Week, the week of gift-giving and general, all-around merriment! So, do something special for your friends. I know I'll be trying to! Ahh, the magic of the holiday... So, to start off the week, I thought I'd include a nice maritime quotation: "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." I hope the magic of Safe Boating Week makes everyone's week special. Maybe soon, it will be your favorite holiday too!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2004 Didn't sleep at all last night. Why? Well, Andy and I weren't really tired, so we stayed up and watched a bunch of episodes of Scrubs. I think he's into the show now. Good. It's a great show. That's all.
Sunday, May 16, 2004 Writing this from the floor of Andy's room. Well, I'm writing it from my laptop, but I'm sitting on the floor... forget it. Anyway, pirated some good music - ARRRrrr. Played Wario Ware last night. Hung out with MIlks and Andy. Good shit. Fun so far. Somehow lost ability to write full sentences. Went to Sacramento, but the mall was closed. On the way back, Andy and I decided to see if there was a tour at the Wonderbread/Hostess factory. Apparently, there used to be, but it closed a few years ago. According to some guy who worked there, it was because of insurance reasons. Too bad. I mean, the fucking WONDERBREAD FACTORY, man! I wanted to tour it!! Damn. Oh well. End.
Saturday, May 15, 2004 I am in the midst of packing before I go up to Davis for a few days, and I decided to write something. Went to Noah's graduation today. It was hot and boring and stupid, but I went all the same. Then I went thriftin' and got some cool shit, including a Wild and Crazy Kids t-shirt. Cool shit man. I ALMOST bought an entirely polyester, brown coat, but it was really hot, and the a/c in my car doesn't work, so I wasn't really in the mood for a coat. It was fly though. Anyway, I'm off to finish packing. I'll post from Davis. because i'm sure you all care so much.
Friday, May 14, 2004 Cocktail party at the Academy tonight. Wasn't too terrible, but slightly dull, as I was the youngest person there, save a two or three children. It was a lot of time standing though. And it was pretty funny to listen to "Hollywood" conversations. They're all the same. Examples: Conversation 1: You know so-and-so?! I've known him for DECADES! Conversation 2: I didn't know you were in town! When are you heading back? We absolutely MUST have lunch. Conversation 3: Did you hear that so-and-so got signed?! The best part was going out to dinner with Pam and Jim Elyea and Stephenie McMillan. They're all very nice. And I got a groovy t-shirt out of the whole thing. Got some good corned beef on rye and a shirt, who could ask for anything more? Also, I've decided that I'm in love with the British usage of the word "smart." As in: My, you're looking very smart today. HA HA! british.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 So, I realized that nobody comments when I write something about something significant and/or meaningful in my life, but you guys do comment when I write something funny or photoshop something in a humorous fashion (be it only slightly humorous). Well, that leads me to think that you guys don't care about my life and only read this damned thing as a source of entertainment. If that's the way it's gonna be, then so be it. I mean, who am I to mess with the balance of the universe? Who am I to come between you and your entertainment? I could be mad that nobody cares, but instead, here's a picture of mike (milky) as a ballerina... ![]() Click thumbnail to open larger version
Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Wow. I got more sleep DURING finals... Here was my Sunday-Monday: A friend of my parents, Pam Elyea, and her husband own a prop house in LA. She was setting up this exhibit at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences about the set decorator of the Harry Potter films, Stephenie McMillan, and she needed a 6-7 minute film to loop on a plasma TV on a wall of the display. So, she asked me to do it. Long story short, the footage she gave me was in Beta, so I had to get it converted to DVD, and that's not fun to play with to get something I can edit. It was due Monday. I got the footage on Sunday, at around noon. Because everything on DVDs are encoded, I only BEGAN editing around 11 o'clock at night. Despite the color problems I had, and the DVD issues, I finished it with some pretty cool things I threw in, like a Harry Potter title dealy (see the picture below), and some footage from the first two movies. I was editing at 2 in the morning, and the next think I knew, it was getting light, and the clock said 6:30 am. Honestly, it only seemed like a couple of hours had passed. But, I think it came out pretty well, and I think Pam and Stephenie (who I did not know I was going to be meeting) were pretty happy with the results. Maybe there'll be something in the works for me down the line... hope so... Anyhow, now I get to go to some cocktail party at the Academy on Thursday night. That'll be the second time I've been to the Academy this week, as I went with Mr. Blyth the other day to see some student films. But who am I to pass down an visit to the Academy... I mean, it's the Academy. Feels good to do something that people are actually going to be looking at. (mind the preposition at the end of my sentence... BAD!!!) ![]() My Harry Potter title dealy, as promised...
Monday, May 10, 2004 Saturday, May 08, 2004 Friday, May 07, 2004 I'm about to go take my Japanese final in a couple hours. I'm going to fail it. Well, maybe not fail in the literal sense of the word, but do poorly enough that it will earn me a C in the class, meaning that I don't move on to the next level of Japanese. And, since I'm a film major, and I need three semesters of a language before I start production (explain the logic of that to me...), this means that I will be a semester late for that, meaning that I will be a semester late for graduating. I'll probably then miss some job I could have had, and then I'll never get work and die a lonely man in a gutter somewhere with nothing to my name - no films, no dreams, no love, no hope. If there were a river called the majestic Your-Fucked River, I'd be up it right about now, of course, paddleless.
Thursday, May 06, 2004 I cannot WAIT until Garden State comes out! This looks like it could be the best movie I've seen in a while. I really hope it doesn't disappoint. Click the picture for the trailer! ![]()
Wednesday, May 05, 2004 Honestly! Is it REALLY necessary for the stupid Cardinal Gardens maintenence people to mow the fucking lawn EVERY fucking day? I mean, they could go a couple weeks without doing it, and NOBODY wouldn notice. But now, for two days now, I've been awoken by these stupid fucking bastards passing RIGHT by our window. I just hope I don't live on the ground floor next semester. ![]()
Monday, May 03, 2004 The lifted the following from Magnolia, as has significance for today... Enjoy. In the New York Herald, November 26, year 1911, there is an account of the hanging of three men -- they died for the murder of Sir Edmund William Godfrey --Greenberry Hill, London. Population as listed. He was murdered by three vagrants whose motive was simple robbery. They were identified as: ... Joseph Green ... Stanley Berry ... and Nigel Hill ... Green, Berry and Hill ... And I Would Like To Think This was Only A Matter Of Chance. As reported in the Reno Gazette, June of 1983 there is the story of a fire -- the water that it took to contain the fire and a scuba diver named Delmer Darion. Employee of the Peppermill Hotel and Casino, Reno, Nevada. Engaged as a blackjack dealer -- well liked and well regarded as a physical, recreational and sporting sort -- Delmer's true passion was for the lake. As reported by the coroner, Delmer died of a heart attack somewhere between the lake and the tree. But most curious side note is the suicide the next day of Craig Hansen -- volunteer firefighter, estranged father of four and a poor tendency to drink -- Mr. Hansen was the pilot of the plane that quite accidentally lifted Delmer Darion out of the water -- added to this, Mr. Hansen's tortured life met before with Delmer Darion just two nights previous -- The weight of the guilt and the measure of coincidence so large, Craig Hansen took his life. And I Am Trying To Think This Was All Only A Matter Of Chance. The tale told at a 1961 awards dinner for the American Association Of Forensic Science by Dr. Donald Harper, president of the association, began with a simple suicide attempt -- Seventeen year old Sydney Barringer, in the city of Los Angeles on March 23, 1958. The coroner ruled that the unsuccessful suicide had suddenly become a successful homicide. To explain: The suicide was confirmed by a note, left in the breast pocket of Sydney Barringer -- At the same time young Sydney stood on the ledge of this nine story building, an argument swelled three stories below -- The neighbors heard, as they usually did, the arguing of the tenants -- and it was not uncommon for them to threaten each other with a shotgun or one of the many handguns kept in the house and when the shotgun accidentally went off, Sydney just happened to pass -- Added to this, the two tenants turned out to be: Fay and Arthur Barringer. Sydney's mother and Sydney's father. When confronted with the charge, which took some figuring out for the officers on the scene of the crime, Fay Barringer swore that she did not know that the gun was loaded. A young boy who lived in the building, sometimes a visitor and friend to Sydney Barringer said that he had seen, six days prior, the loading of the shotgun. It seems that the arguing and the fighting and all of the violence was far too much for Sydney Barringer and knowing his mother and father's tendency to fight, he decided to do something. Sydney Barringer jumps from the ninth floor rooftop -- His parents argue three stories below -- Her accidental shotgun blast hits Sydney in the stomach as he passes the arguing sixth floor window -- He is killed instantly but continues to fall -- only to find, three stories below -- a safety net installed three days prior for a set of window washers that would have broken his fall and saved his life if not for the hole in his stomach. So Fay Barringer was charged with the murder of her son and Sydney Barringer noted as an accomplice in his own death ... and it is in the humble opinion of this narrator that this is not just "Something That Happened." This cannot be "One of those things..." This, please, cannot be that. And for what I would like to say, I can't. This Was Not Just A Matter Of Chance. Ohhhh. These strange things happen all the time.