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Monday, May 31, 2004
Alright, bloggin' time!!

So, after an unsuccessful night of trying to play counterstrike, mario and andy came to my place because they wanted to get sloshy. But very little actual drinking occured. Mario had 3 or so shots and a beer i think?... Andy had one screwdriver. I had half of some crappy drink (Captain Morgan, Grenadine, and Pepsi... WAY to sweet!), and a piss-beer. Okay, for some reason, andy thinks MGD is good. It's crap. It's pisswater, people. Pisswater. Anyhow. Mario and I decided to watch some TV, and Friday the 13th 3 or 4 was on. So, we watched that for 5 or 10 minutes, and then decided to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. Mind you, it's about 4 in the morning when we started. Anyhow. I love that movie. I love horror movies. Almost as much as I love short sentences. Mario loves them too. The movies, not short sentences. Well, he might like short sentences. I really wouldnt know. Andy went home soon after we started, as he was not feeling well. The movie finished around 5:30. Mario wanted to go for a walk, so we did. After telling me many, many times how much he was enjoying our morning walk, we decided to walk to IHOP. Of course, we figured the IHOP would be open, but no, they open at 6:30. So, we waited outside for a half hour, then ate pancakes and junk. Of course, mario had to put it on his ATM card because he told me not to bring my wallet, and then spent a dollar on a newspaper, which is the exact amount he came up short. Anyhow, after walking back and being LAME to the max, got back, then watched Law & Order. Six episodes so far. Going for 9, unless it's one i've seen already. Actually, it's starting soon. MMmm. I loves my Laws and Orders!

LAter ma' peeps!

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