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| Sunday, October 31, 2004 Funniest thing I've said in a long time. Pip: So Josh, what are you gonna be for Halloween? Me: Your mom. Then I'm gonna fuck myself. Thank you, thank you. Please tip your waitress...
Saturday, October 30, 2004 Oh man, this has got to be the hottest Random Scan of the Day ever! Even hotter than that porn one! Well... maybe that's debatable. Well I think it's hotter! ![]()
Tuesday, October 26, 2004 I'm not one to put up AIM conversations much, but I found this one was funny. Upon me saying a few things that were pretty dumb and unrelated to anything else... Chrishtine: ??? Chrishtine: that was so random Chrishtine: random sentences Me: peanut butter and taco sunglasses pillow remarked the pastor, and then he jumped on the trampoline until the sun spun into the milky water Me: no Me: THAT was a random sentence
Oh, the little details of the day, those things that you normally don't even pick up on... Today, I was walking from one class to the next. Usually I listen to my iPod, but today I accidentally left it in my backpack. So, as I was taking it out, this person who is talking on his cell phone walks in front of me. As he's walking I'm KIND OF eavesdropping on his conversation. Now, Lewis Black does this bit about the stupidest thing he's ever heard, and how he couldn't get it out of his head. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. It's funny. Anyhow, this was this kid said: Hey, it's not my fault I have the memory of a bat. Now, I was unaware that bats had extraordinary memories... I dunno, I haven't been able to get this out of my head all day, so I thought I'd write it down, and hopefully that would help. Wow, what a fucking stupid thing to say...
Monday, October 25, 2004 Went home this weekend. Played a LOT of fucking paper mario: the thousand year door. hotdamn, that game is great. But i didn't bring it back with me to school because i'd have to take the cube, and i'd never get anything done. but shit, now i'll have to go home sooner than expected so's i can beat it. well, it should hold me over until i get a DS. O' Nintendo,Anyhow, in other news. I voted. Here's proof, in my RANDOMSCANOFTHEDAY, WHICHISAPPARENTLYONEWORDNOW, and whose explanation is apparently one word as well... Well, I think that may just about do it. Short post, I know, not that it matters. I'll try to update more often with humorous anecdotes. and if humorous things don't happen, i'll make some shit up.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004 "Boris is trying to commit suicide - last week he contemplated inhaling next to an Armenian." - Woody Allen's Love and Death
Monday, October 18, 2004 For fans of postmodern art, today's random scan should be a little treat for you. You see, when I tried to get into the building today, my key would not fit in the keyhole; for, the keyhole has somehow become jammed. So, I tied the gate open with a shopping bag. However, whenever anyone ties the gate open with a shopping bag, someone usually removes it, and since the only way to get in is to have the gate open already, I made this sign and taped it to the gate. Lets see how long it stays open. And for those wondering - yes I did print this and then scan it. ![]() Update: Well, Erik came home a couple hours later, and he said that gate was already closed. There's a real bastard in our stairwell, I think... Updated Update: So, I think the bag just ripped, because I went out there this morning, and someone had retied the gate open, and the note is still there.
Sunday, October 17, 2004 The past couple of days I got some real, actual experience on a film set. Okay, well it was a grad project, but still, it was cool. On Saturday, the second A.D. couldnt show up, so I had to do the slating and camera reports, and then today I was just wrangling cable for the sound mixer and the boom operator, since it was a moving shot. I really like working on film shoots, and I've decided that I need to do it more often, since that really is why I'm here. So that was cool. Also, big plus to working on film shoots: the food. Oh yes, the food. ANYhow. Besides that, I went and saw a screening of The Usual Suspects, and the director, Bryan Singer, did a little Q&A after that. That was cool too. I think I have to go to the library to do a stupid homework assignment. Fuck, i REALLY hate CS classes. REALLY. They're just annoying and a real waste of time. Well, I guess I'll go do that. FUCK, this is annoying! here's something from the film shoot today: ![]()
Sunday, October 10, 2004 It's been a little while. Anyhow, StrongSad, McFly and I went and saw I ♥ Huckabees yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was funny and clever. There were a lot of reviews that said it thought it was more intellectual than it was, but I honestly think those reviewers just didn't want to think about it. It wasn't like the Matrix, which just threw a bunch of stuff at you that sounded smart; this movie really had depth, I think. Anyhow, today's random scan is a two-parter and has to do with the movie last night. ![]() This is the receipt I got from purchasing the tickets. We all decided to forgo the lines and went for the automated ticket machine. ![]() This is a ticket. Notice, however, that it is completely intact. Odd, considering tickets get ripped when you enter. This is because the machine gave me two tickets. Now, go back and look at my receipt - only one ticket is charged. Unfortunately, I was the last to buy tickets, so this ticket was not used. Now, I realize this is a longwinded explanation, but my point is machines may be dumb, but not as dumb as people who waste their time writing about junk forever... yeah...
Monday, October 04, 2004 Due to the present nature of my internet access, or lack thereof, this is an extra-special blog update. A little something I like to call... Dial-UpDate, 2004 Little play on words there for ya. So, besides the lack of any kind of speedy internet access for reasons beyond my comprehension, today was a GREAT day. Apparently, my slacking off and horribly butchery of the Japanese language has not been enough, because, SOMEHOW, i'm actually overachieving in class. Does that make sense? I'll say it again. My grade is better than it needs to be. You see, I'm taking it pass/fail, so all I need is a 70.0% This means that I'm aiming for a 70.2% (+/- .2%). Now, as of today, despite my efforts, my grade in the class is 77.4% I like that number. It's got a ring to it. So, things are sitting pretty all up in 'der. Coolsville. Also, today I had a midterm in cinema. I really don't see how i could get anything below a B. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I got an A. I'll be upset if i didn't, because I fucking ROCK'D it. I knew everything I was writing about in depth. Well, I think I kinda fucked up the UFA one, but to be fair, she really didn't go over it. But, I guess I shouldn't have written about it. ANYhow, it's all up to how my TA grades. But here's hoping for that A. So, Kina time. The random scan of the day is something I drew for her in class today, and subsequently told her I would post as the random scan of the day. Now, remember, I'm on dialup, so this is extra-special, what with it taking FOREVER to upload. ![]() Oh, and I changed "hotgirl" in my list of hot chicks to Kina, because, well, she's a severe hottie! Yeah ya are! Okay, well that just about does it for Dial-Update, 2004. COMMENT! edit: i should have waited 10 minutes. my hi-speed is back, and yes, i spelled it that way on purpose, dammit!