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| Monday, October 04, 2004 Due to the present nature of my internet access, or lack thereof, this is an extra-special blog update. A little something I like to call... Dial-UpDate, 2004 Little play on words there for ya. So, besides the lack of any kind of speedy internet access for reasons beyond my comprehension, today was a GREAT day. Apparently, my slacking off and horribly butchery of the Japanese language has not been enough, because, SOMEHOW, i'm actually overachieving in class. Does that make sense? I'll say it again. My grade is better than it needs to be. You see, I'm taking it pass/fail, so all I need is a 70.0% This means that I'm aiming for a 70.2% (+/- .2%). Now, as of today, despite my efforts, my grade in the class is 77.4% I like that number. It's got a ring to it. So, things are sitting pretty all up in 'der. Coolsville. Also, today I had a midterm in cinema. I really don't see how i could get anything below a B. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I got an A. I'll be upset if i didn't, because I fucking ROCK'D it. I knew everything I was writing about in depth. Well, I think I kinda fucked up the UFA one, but to be fair, she really didn't go over it. But, I guess I shouldn't have written about it. ANYhow, it's all up to how my TA grades. But here's hoping for that A. So, Kina time. The random scan of the day is something I drew for her in class today, and subsequently told her I would post as the random scan of the day. Now, remember, I'm on dialup, so this is extra-special, what with it taking FOREVER to upload. ![]() Oh, and I changed "hotgirl" in my list of hot chicks to Kina, because, well, she's a severe hottie! Yeah ya are! Okay, well that just about does it for Dial-Update, 2004. COMMENT! edit: i should have waited 10 minutes. my hi-speed is back, and yes, i spelled it that way on purpose, dammit!