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| Thursday, April 29, 2004 I need more sleep. Need proof?... Me: how's the work comin'? Strongsad: pretty well Me: is it flowin' like my dope rhymes? Strongsad: yup Strongsad: i have an outline Strongsad: it is almost done Me: like my dope rhymes Me: i say them all the time Me: he has an outline Me: i do not yet have mine Me: i want to get some slime Me: i'll eat it with a lime Me: and then i'll stop some crime Strongsad: well that is just sublime
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 This one goes out to Milks. Nothin' but love for you, Broham... heh, I said buttlove... ![]() TWO CAMEL SPIDERS!!! Freaky, man!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Today rocked. I edited on a flatbed!! I mean, shit-howdy! This is why I'm at school, and I fucking did it today. It was so cool. It was just Sam and me editing for about 4 hours by ourselves. So much fun. Forward, rewind, pull, cut, splice, forward, cut, cut, splice, splice. So great. Just working with the film, it's so much different than digital. So much SLOWER, but it's real. It just felt like I was really doing something, not just some bullshitty writing essay; we were making something. So, we're about half way done with it. It should turn out to be about 150 feet of film. Wow, it was 4 hours, and we're only half done with a minute and a half of flim. That's nuts. There's a picture below, so you can see what kind of machine we were working on. On which we were working. Whatever. ![]()
Monday, April 26, 2004 More fun with Photoshop! ![]() Click on the thumbnail to see the larger version. Again, on the left we have StrongSad, and the dog is Blythie.
Sunday, April 25, 2004 Quotations of the night: "It makes me sad when there's an asian girl who's not hot; it's like a dead butterfly." - Me "And I'm gonna do a big-ass load, you can be sure of that!" - Blyth
Friday, April 23, 2004 Okay folks. Besides the crap with writing 140 today, here's what I did all day: ![]() Click on the thumbnail to see the wallpaper-sized version. Or, click here for the high-resolution tiff image. (Edit: For those of you know don't know, on the left is Strongsad, and on the right is Blyth)
Thursday, April 22, 2004 Wednesday, April 21, 2004 Tuesday, April 20, 2004 Monday, April 19, 2004 Pretty wasteful day today too. I've got a lot of work to do this week, but I dont really care. I've got two more weeks of class left! I was looking at my schedule for next semester, MY HARD WORK IS OVER!!! It's just so fantastic! I'm so anxious to have this semester over, because there's nothing after this! It's so great. I have fridays basically off. Wednesday, I have one class. I'm just going to be so happy. I have only a couple academic classes, and two of my classes are going to be pass/fail. SO fantastic. I can't wait. Just a couple more papers and some finals and then I'm done. Who knew freshman year would be this much work? But ALL MY BS CLASSES ARE ALMOST OVER!! Such a relief. Starting last night and going to now: Watched Uzumaki (A very odd Japanese thriller) Slept. Woke up. Had a lot of Twix. Wrote Japanese. Worried about Japanese. Watched Magnolia. Had a good conversation with Mel. Brought soup to Elise. Ate dinner. Wrote this. Melvina: chanto shower shite neroyo~ Me: sexy
Saturday, April 17, 2004 What a waste of a day. I got up around 2:30. Sat around. Took a shower and got dressed. Sat around more. Now it's 8:45, and I'm still sitting around, blasting the Strokes. The night isn't looking too promising, but who knows. I should have done work today, but fuckit. What a waste of a day.
Thursday, April 15, 2004 Wow, I just looked, and on the entire front page here, there are a total of two comments. I must be one popular motherfucker, huh?
Wednesday, April 14, 2004 Matt thinks that his looking under the caps of Pepsi bottles to see if he wins before he purchases said beverage is not cheating. I beg to differ.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004 Good weekend. Don't wanna write about it, go to Andy's xanga, or Matt's xanga if you really care to read about it. Today, Matt spotted some ants in our room. Sonsofbitches. I hate ants. Been trying to get rid of 'em all day. Kill them. Kill them all!
Friday, April 09, 2004 To quote part of something I wrote in writing today: "In 1993, the Topps Trading Card company came out with its ill-fated trading card line the "All-Stars of Physics." The series sold poorly in retail stores and was quickly discontinued. Although becoming popular in recent years on internet auction sites due to the novelty and rarity of the cards, the "All-Stars of Physics" never reached popularity amongst children."
Thursday, April 08, 2004 Being sick sucks. We all take being healthy for granted. Honestly. I got about three hours of intermittant sleep last night, which is not good for the health. This morning, I almost fainted from just coming out of the shower and drying off. I feel like complete shit. I bought a crapload of soup, some water, a bottle of vitamin c, and some nyquil. The nyquil and soup help. Here's to nyquil and soup.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004 I rarely ever do these, but I just had to see how I rock-out. The results? to tHE MAX!! Aww, yeea... ![]() Garage rock! I like you... I like you alot! You and indie are on the same plane for me! You bring rock'n'roll down to its dirty roots, whether being minimalist like The White Stripes or retro like The Strokes. You keep on doing what you're doing! Oh...and did I mention I like you alot? What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, April 06, 2004 And to address Andy's comment a couple entry's below. Courtney is hot. Zhang Ziyi is hot. But I have met and talked to (briefly as it was, and will remain) Courtney. I have not conversed with Zhang Ziyi. So, here's the deal: Courntey and Ziyi (for that is her first name, and I believe I can be on a first name basis with her...) will have a one on one Goldneye showdown. The Rules1. The level will be Temple Whoever wins the showdown has the right to claim the top-spot on my little list. Until that happens, Courtney will just have to stay up there, unless someone hotter comes along, which is very unlikely.
The following is the first paragraph of a Japanese essay I had to write, but it is translated into English via an online translator-dealy. I think you can get the gist of it... (the question marks are leftover untranslated Japanese characters) My family is four families. The family the father and the mother and the older brother is I. The family has been completed in the Glen tail. The father main ? ? margin is strange, is. Mostly, the father does the suspender. The father has served in animation of Dreamworks. The mother does the head being good, dust ? connection. Whether junior high school the teacher ? of the ? it does. The older brother is skillful the trombone. Fourth being of USC grade, the plug like this it is it is the ?. This year the ? next ? ? it does. I just hope the actual essay makes at least a little more sense. Jaa mata.
Monday, April 05, 2004 I'd just like to express my moral outrage at the absense of Twix bars in the candy machine at the Cardinal Gardens customer service center... I mean, comeon now, it's the only candy with the cookie crunch!!! ![]()
Sunday, April 04, 2004 It just occurred to me that I completely forgot to do an April Fools entry. OH the travesty! The Beginning So, Erik and I planned to get Blyth somehow. At dinner, we saw the always-beautiful Courtney (see my Who's Hot list over there), and Erik asked if she'd be willing to get David with us. She agreed. The Plan Whilst David was otherwise occupied with something, we were to steal all of his shorts, forcing him to wear proper pants the next day. The Execution Courtney instant messaged him, inviting him to watch the OC with her roommate, who is also quite attractive, and herself. Erik and I were all ready to steal his stuff and then, when David was done with the show, they were to be hid in Courtney's room. The Problem David declined Courtney's invitation. This stumped both Erik and myself. I figured it was because David is aware of my affinity for Courtney, and felt somewhat out of place with going to her room; so I felt it necessary for me to retire back to my Cardinal Gardens home, in order to keep the plan on track. Still, however, David did not leave his room. I then asked Jandro if we were to play Halo that day, and we were. When the game began, Blyth left his domicile. With him properly occupied, Erik sneaked in and stole not only his shorts, but his underwear and socks as well, and then placed them in Courtney's room. The Second Problem The next day, April first, one could say I was slightly anxious to see the fruits of our tomfoolery. But upon seeing David in the mid-afternoon, he showed no signs acknowledging that our little caper had even occurred. And he was wearing shorts to boot! This worried me, not only because I had thoughts of a failed prank, but I also pondered David's personal hygiene techniques, so to speak. The Resolution or The Payoff After returning from the Springfest concert that night, I found David in a somewhat disgruntled mood, and could not find my backpack, laptop, et al. I then realized that David had recognized himself the dupe of our shenanigans, and had decided to retaliate by stealing my belongings. Of course, he did not hide them carefully, and I had soon spotted them, claiming them with some, but not much difficulty (which included me being trapped under David's bed for a minute or two). Soon after, I returned David's apparel, and with that the prank was complete. All in all, good fun.
Concert Entry Sorry, no pictures from the concert 'cause Alex informed me that cameras weren't allowed, and I didnt want to risk it. RayRay (who is a damn good driver) and Alex picked me up, then we picked up Nora and her sister, and headed over the the Universal Amphitheater. I didn't know it was an indoor venue, but soon figured it out, as we walked in. It's pretty awe-inspiring to go through a tiny door into a huge room with like that. Anyway, indoors: good for sound, bad for ventilation. Anyhow, the Sounds were really good. It's all about that great synth keyboard sound, you know? Plus the accent is hot. After their set was over, we sat around for a long damn time, waiting for the Strokes to show up. They were late. Alex and I decided that Julian probably passed out in the back. They finally came on around 10:30. First thing up, Julian was pretty wasted, but in a funny way. The entire night he kept wanting to be "closer" to the audience. So, first thing out, he moved the monitor to the edge of the stage, pronouncing, "This is why I should have come to sound-check," in muddled drunk-speak. Later, he tried to get to the back of the venue, yelling at his crew to get him "some fucking mic cable!" He got farther (further?) than I expected before he was mobbed to the max, what with people ripping his hair out and whatnot. So they started rockin' out. They sound damn good, just like they sound on the album. As soon as the music started, I smelled a little of the wacky-tobacy, know what I mean? Turns out, at the end of the concert, there are these two guys smoking out in front and to the left of us. Funny though, 'cause they had a huge-ass pipe, but when we entered the place, they pat you down, and the guy in front of me in line had his smokes and lighter taken away, so I dont have a clue how these guys got a pipe that size in. And the girls behind us were DAMN annoying. They were going nutso over the band. "OH MY GOD! He's right there!!... He's so beautiful... I'm going to die..." etc etc. Shit, I mean, they're good and all, but it's not the goddamned Beatles. Calm the hell down. Regardless, the concert was great. *Sidenote: What's the difference between regardless and irregardless?* The crowd was very receptive, and just about everyone knew the words. The pit in front was pretty tame; most of them just stood there. Alex told me it was because it was a KROQ concert, so everyone up there got comp tickets for winning contests and whatnot. I doubt they even knew the melodies. So, I got a couple groovy shirts, and had a wicked good time. I need to go to more concerts. Rock on.
Friday, April 02, 2004 Springfest was tonight at USC. Free concert! The Ataris, the Matches, Everybody Else, Army of Freshmen, Nightfall, and Senza. So, besides the cool free shwag I got from Cartoon Network (CN cup and a Brak Show talking radio), the concert was pretty okay. Most of the bands were punk, which is okay. Not really my thing, but still not terrible. Everybody Else was pretty damn good. Kevin said they were "strokesesque," to coin a phrase (check them out!!!). Speaking of which, Strokes concert tomorrow. The Sounds open for them, who I hadn't heard of before, but have been listening to them recently, and they rock. Real ' stuff. Reminds me of Blondie. I'll try to take the camera with me, maybe find the batteries and whatnot. So, hopefully I'll get some pictures. Maybe not. Late. P.S. Watched the first half of My Sassy Girl in EASC. Wow. Koreans are the cRAZiest peoples.