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Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, April 04, 2004
It just occurred to me that I completely forgot to do an April Fools entry. OH the travesty!

The Beginning
So, Erik and I planned to get Blyth somehow. At dinner, we saw the always-beautiful Courtney (see my Who's Hot list over there), and Erik asked if she'd be willing to get David with us. She agreed.

The Plan
Whilst David was otherwise occupied with something, we were to steal all of his shorts, forcing him to wear proper pants the next day.

The Execution
Courtney instant messaged him, inviting him to watch the OC with her roommate, who is also quite attractive, and herself. Erik and I were all ready to steal his stuff and then, when David was done with the show, they were to be hid in Courtney's room.

The Problem
David declined Courtney's invitation. This stumped both Erik and myself. I figured it was because David is aware of my affinity for Courtney, and felt somewhat out of place with going to her room; so I felt it necessary for me to retire back to my Cardinal Gardens home, in order to keep the plan on track. Still, however, David did not leave his room. I then asked Jandro if we were to play Halo that day, and we were. When the game began, Blyth left his domicile. With him properly occupied, Erik sneaked in and stole not only his shorts, but his underwear and socks as well, and then placed them in Courtney's room.

The Second Problem
The next day, April first, one could say I was slightly anxious to see the fruits of our tomfoolery. But upon seeing David in the mid-afternoon, he showed no signs acknowledging that our little caper had even occurred. And he was wearing shorts to boot! This worried me, not only because I had thoughts of a failed prank, but I also pondered David's personal hygiene techniques, so to speak.

The Resolution or The Payoff
After returning from the Springfest concert that night, I found David in a somewhat disgruntled mood, and could not find my backpack, laptop, et al. I then realized that David had recognized himself the dupe of our shenanigans, and had decided to retaliate by stealing my belongings. Of course, he did not hide them carefully, and I had soon spotted them, claiming them with some, but not much difficulty (which included me being trapped under David's bed for a minute or two). Soon after, I returned David's apparel, and with that the prank was complete.

All in all, good fun.

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