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| Friday, April 29, 2005 Thursday, April 28, 2005 So I got some film back from 327 today (my Motion Picture Camera class in which we shoot 16mm b/w film), and I decided to do a little experiment with my scanner. I just wondered what it would look like if I scanned a frame at a really high PPI (pixels per inch). Well, turns out the result is decent - pretty dark and a little blurry compared to what a 16mm projector shows. But anyway, I decided to scan as much of one section of film as I could, just to see what I could do with it. So, after some tinkering in photoshop and final cut, I telecine'd a whole 1 second of motion picture! And here it is!
Thursday, April 21, 2005 My PowerBook is back! Hooray. It's all zippy and nice without crap all cluttering it up and whatnot. I'm gonna try to keep it a little cleaner (data-wise). So, I didn't lose that much stuff, except a large portion of my music. Basically, I lost everything by any artist/band after the letter G, alphabetically... if that makes any sense. But I have my library, so I know what i'm missing. Since I'm done with school, more or less, I'll probably be spending a good portion of my time getting all my music back. Luckily, most of it is stuff I have on CD. C'est la vie.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Holyfuckin'shit. Here we go. So, right now, I'm writing this entry on my trusty ol' Powerbook 1400c, circa 1996. Ahh yes. What fun it is to whiz through the internet on my blazing fast 133 mHz processor and 48 megs of ram (upgradable to 64!) Oh what sheer joy! Sarcasm aside, I'm amazed that this computer can even function. I mean, I'm posting on my freakin' blog on a computer that was made well before blogs existed! So why, you my faithful reader may ask, am I not using my PowerBook G4? Well, yesterday, the day before my final 290 film project was due, my harddrive completely failed (I/O Error, if you're curious). So I had to edit all night at home on the desktop. Oh, but that's not so bad. It's replacable, and there really wasn't anything on there of importance except for a few screenplays and the like. Oh, and my music. But that is backed up on my iPod. OH WAIT. My iPod died too. Yes that's right. The backup failed on the same day for no reason at all. I can't see how these two tragedies would be related except by some unexplainable magnetic wave coming through my side of the room. So it's just this grand, catestrophic coincidence. Fuckidy fuck.
Sunday, April 17, 2005 Friday, April 15, 2005 Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Me: because i know you cant swim Me: because youre a loser Milky Kim: i never give the sad face to anyone but, ![]() Me: hahahaha Me: bitchin'!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 Warning: This one's a long one. And it's fairly pointless. And fairly boring... But I think it's worth it. Maybe not. I'm crazy. Okay, I'm not sure how much all of you, my readers, know about computer networking, but lets have a quick break-down. I have a computer. I have a printer. I plug my printer into my computer. I plug my computer into the wall. The wires in the wall are used to send data from my computer from other, bigger, school owned computers. Other, still bigger computers, from around the world, send and receive data from the school computers, and that data goes to and comes from me. Now, here's where it gets tricky, the big computers the school has between the bigger computers the rest of the world has (well, the websites have them) are not solely for my use - other people at USC also send data to these computers. This is a network. I am connected not only to that school computer, and then to the world, but also to those computers who are connected to that bigger computer! So what, you may ask? Well, lets go back to the beginning of what I wrote. I have a computer and I have a printer. So, since we just established how I am connected to all these people at USC, and we also established how I am connected to my printer, then all these people at USC are also connected to my printer. Oh yes, that's right. Now, being that I do occasionally print off of a network computer at home, I have network printing on. That means, that someone at USC could theoretically print off of my printer. Of course, they would first have to look for a network printer, select mine, and then print. And of course, I wouldn't be writing so much about it if someone hadn't done precisely that. Oh yes, it's true. I woke up this morning to find some kid's Writing 140 paper in my printer's tray. And here he is! Meet Jay Fisher (scroll down a bit, I wanted to keep it a secret): Way to last-minute it, Jay. Now, of course, you know I couldn't just leave this at that - I had to do something ridiculously overboard with such good material. Right? Of course. So... I invite you to visit The Fisher Galleries. Enjoy.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005 Friday, April 01, 2005 ![]() I wrote a letter to my dad. I wrote, "I really enjoy being here." But I accidently wrote "rarely," instead of "really." But I still wanted to use it, so I crossed it out and wrote "I rarely drive steamboats, Dad. There's a lot of shit you don't know about me. Quit trying to act like I'm a steamboat operator." This letter took a harsh turn right away. Mitch will be missed.