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| Sunday, December 25, 2005 Ugh -- This is why I don't like getting drunk. I'm not saying that I'm drunk right now, mind you. But I was fairly intoxicated a little while ago, and now I'm at the point where I'm fucking tired (because of the alcohol) but I don't want to go to sleep because I'll get dizzy and feel sick (because of the alcohol). Happy Saturnalia/Decemberween/Festivus/Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/Et Al. I hope you got whatever you wanted from Saturn/Homestar Runner/Frank Costanza/Santa Claus/Hannukah Harry/Kwanza Guy (?)/Whoever.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Okay sprouting from Erik's comment, I thought I'd take this opportunity to clear up what's goin' on with Em. So, here's the EMILY UPDATE 2005Well. Emily and I are technically broken up; however, we are still very close, and I still love her. And, I know it may seem like nothing's changed, but to be honest, I'm not sure what's going to happen. Emily's on her way to Sweden for a couple weeks (she's actually over the Atlantic, about and hour away from landing in Amsterdam), and she'll be gone for a couple of weeks. So in that time, we'll hopefully find out what we want to do. Okay, enough of that. Here's some random funny shit. ![]() This one is from a while ago. Em and I went out to dinner (Macaroni Grill) and played tic-tac-toe on the table. I couldn't believe I actually won a game! ![]() Mcfly, Em, and I were bummin' around Burbank. This is inside the Coffee Bean/Tea Leaf, looking outside. Look at the middle of the picture, at the baby. ![]() Here's a blurry close-up of the baby. He's on a cell phone!!! O, modern world. Why must thou curse childhood to an early grave?... ![]() Okay, here's a horse-riding type toy found at the local Rite-Aid. It's also electronic and moves and whatnot. Cool. Nothing wrong with that, right? ![]() Here's the freakin' sign attached to the horse toy. WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK DOES THIS MEAN?! It's not a moose, a dog, or a singing puppy! ![]() Here's Em before her flight. I bought her a bottle of cheap, crappy wine. Ah, yes, she's a true wino - drinking straight from the bottle. ![]() Drink up, sweet blonde girl! Drink up. ![]() Nighty Night.
Sunday, December 11, 2005 Emily and I broke up. I am not happy about it, of course, so I apologize if this post is somewhat depressing and emotional. But hey, my blog is merely a reflection of things I notice, and when you're sad, you notice sad things. I was gripping a movie today, and all I was doing was sitting by myself and watching the truck. It surprised me, because I began to have a really good, meaningful inner monologue. You see, this hasn't happened in some time, so I decided to write it down, and since I can think of no better way to talk about it than to post it online for the entire world can see, here's what I like to call "Written on Three Napkins at One O'Clock". Maybe I'll scan the napkins to prove their authenticity... "As I have nothing much to really do, I find myself pacing in and out of the shadows (it being too hot in the light to wear my jacket and too cold in the shade to not), and I make this record of what I think and feel. So, that's it. And yes, a bracelet. There was some scrap 35mm negative on the ground, so I cut it up and taped it together. It was about that time when I wrote this whole thing that I decided to put it online - hence the use of 2nd person verbs... Ah, but this entry is not done yet. Time for bittersweet and/or depressing media. Remember, I'm a very visual person, so when I get depressed, I get depressed with VISUAL AIDS!! ![]() Here's a picture of some thing I saw yesterday spray-painted on the side of a building. ![]() Here's the sky as I saw it, lying down today and doing nothing. It was actually very nice. In fact, the sky was SO nice today, and I was SO bored, that I attempted to do some time-lapse movies with my camera phone. So, here's a movie with all off the time-lapses I made. (Click picture to view movie. It's 1.3 Megs) ![]() Almost done, kids. Now, I hate to quote Gilbert and Sullivan, but it's in my head and it seems fitting. So.... All Dumb — dumb! Ko-Ko Your notions, though many, Are not worth a penny, The word for your guidance is "Mum" — All Mum — Mum! Ko-Ko You've a very good bargain in me: All On this subject we pray you be dumb — Dumb — dumb! We think you had better succumb — Cumb — cumb! You'll find there are many Who'll wed for a penny, Who'll wed for a penny, There are lots of good fish in the sea, There are lots of good fish in the sea, There's lots of good fish, good fish in the sea, There's lots of good fish, good fish in the sea, In the sea, in the sea, in the sea, in the sea: OKAY, one last thing. I really do appreciate everyone's sympathy and kind words, but please don't comment and tell me how horrible all this is, or how sorry you are or anything like that. Just comment and leave me some love, for love is all you need. Thanks, guys. P.S. I lied. I LOVE to quote Gilbert and Sullivan... Edit: I uploaded the pictures of the napkins fornoparticularreason. There's here and here and here. Just in case you're interested. I don't know why you would be, but just in case...
Thursday, December 08, 2005 So, it's been over a week since my last update. I know I said I'd update more, but I've been really busy with finishing up my 310. Speaking of which, here are a couple pictures my pops took of us shooting. ![]() I like this one. ![]() Yes, I've cut my hair since then... And now for a couple of pictures of Howard Johnson, the worlds ugliest dog... ![]() ![]() And here's a funny picture fornoparticularreason. I took it a while back, and forgot to put online. ![]() Well, that's it for now. I've got work to do today. More updates once the weekend's over, I promise.