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| Wednesday, June 29, 2005 So, except for the huge spider in my room, te-haas is pretty not horrible! here's some pictures. ![]() A cool thing I saw in a museum. I know, a museum in Te-haas, right?... but they have one! ![]() In a thrift store. Apparently, grammar doesn't come at a good price... ![]() Some sort of special frisbees or something. Saw it at a thrift store. A bunch of people came in and bought some. This one's for McFly, obviously. As if anyone else cares about frisbees... ![]() Cool car. If you know what it is, leave a comment and tell me. I wanna know. ![]() On the floor in the Toys (backwards)R' Us. Someone's clever. An elephant and a gorilla - HA! It is to laugh! ![]() Emily being.. um...... hot? Sure, why not. And the coup d'etat... no. Not that. Something else, but in French, and meaning something important. I give you photographic evidence of the End of the Universe (according to Lewis Black) right here in good ol' Houston, TH. That's right. A Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks. Enjoy it in PANORAMAVISION ![]()
Friday, June 24, 2005 So Te-haas is pretty... I dunno. American? sure. It reminds me a lot of Florida - flat, humid, hot, southern. But it's not that bad. Em and I had fun today. Went to Target, a sandwich place, a vintage store, a coffee house, an IHOP, and saw Land of the Dead. Oh, and watched a lot of scrubs. I have write about this, as I thought it was a humorous observation of sorts. On the flight over here, there was a little boy sitting in front of me. It was pretty apparent that he'd never flown before. Even though he was asian, Thai I think, and his family was speaking to him in a foreign language, it was pretty easy to decipher that they were explaining what was going to happen to him. And then we started moving, and every shake or odd sound, he would make a whining-squealing noise, like kids do when they're scared. And as we took off, same thing - he'd freak out, just a little, at every noise or sharp turn. But here's the part I found interesting as an observation of human behavior in general. Even though he was very obviously terrified for a moment, he was glued to the window, watching the ocean below us. It's weird that, as part of our nature, if something frightens us, that we have to look at it and examine what is going on, even at a young age. Sorry if that was boring, but I found it interesting... ass...
Thursday, June 23, 2005 Wednesday, June 22, 2005 So, here I am at LAX, about to go to Houston. Don't believe me? Here's a panorama I just made of what I see right now. I know, real interesting, right?... Anyway, thank you LAX for free hotspots. The plane's about to board, so off I go! Later peepz.
Friday, June 17, 2005 What you wanna do? (What you wanna do?) I got the gauge, a uzi, and my motherfuckin twenty-two Hmmm, let me think about it Turned my back and grabbed my gat and guess what I told him before I shot it 'cause it's 1-8-7 on a undercover cop. [excerpts] f'sho.
Sunday, June 12, 2005 I haven't updated for a few days, but I'm sure if you're reading this, that probably means you read it on a semi-regular basis, and you've probably noticed this already. So I went to see Cinderella Man the other day, which was rather good. I never really understood the appeal of boxing, but then McFly and I watched the Cotto-Abdullaev fight on HBO today, and it was pretty entertaining. Well, not really entertaining, but more enthralling. You sort of just sit there and watch it. I understand now why guys get together to watch the fight now, and maybe I'll start doing that. And maybe not. Anyway, back to my point. We (McFly, Matt, and I) saw the movie in Burbank, and were walking back to the car when we started reading all the quotations on the ground. You see, at the Burbank theater, they have famous quotations on the ground in little plaques. So, I took a picture of this one, because I'm pretty sure that's not the exact quote. There's a closeup if you can't see my problem with it all that well. I apologize for the photos, but it was midnight or so. I'm surprised my camera got ANYTHing... Ugh. I hate that so much. Like spelling it "damm" makes any sort of difference. I can see it now. They decided to put the most famous line from one of the most famous movies in the ground and someone just shouts out, "But think of the CHILDREN!" Fuck! Why don't people realize that words are just representations of an idea. There's nothing wrong with the letters "d" "a" "m" or "n" alone, but if you put them together, people think it makes some sort of evil-magical thing that we have to protect children from. It's not the word; the word is arbitrary! It's the idea it represents! And how is the idea that "damn" represents any different than the idea "damm" does? How does that change anything (except for making it seem very very silly)... In other news, I've renewed my love of photography. I took out my camera and realized that there was film in it from years ago. So after snapping a few pictures to finish out the roll (and the subsequent next roll), I developed the film. It's sort of like a time capsule and junk. Here's a sample of what's been in my camera for years. Remember the fires that came to Glendale?....
Sunday, June 05, 2005 Ohboy. Just a superduper post today. For starters, Scott's comment from yesterday got me thinking, and here's my conclusion. The band Men Without Hats is a fraud! Need proof? You need only visit their webpage. Here's the link: http://www.menwithouthats.com/misc.html I've pointed out all the hats that the band is wearing. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Shocking, I know. Okay, now for the good part. Well. Mario came over tonight, to hang out and whatnot. Noah had Dylan and one of their friends over, as their new thing is to go jogging nightly. My parents have gone to Europe, so it is out (Noah and my) responsibility to walk Howard Johnson. So, Mario volunteered us to do it tonight - lucky us, I know. Anyhow, whilst walking, I get a call from Erika. She asks if she can come hang out with us for a little while because she got home and nobody was there, all the lights were off, the door was unlocked, and she was scared. So she came with us. When we get back to my place, she calls Edgar, and he comes over to pick her up. Not thinking he would stay and chat, he leaves his car in the middle of the street and puts his hazards on. A few minutes later, he says he should move it. Just as he says this, Noah comes running in from the back yard and says that there is a police helicopter circling over our house and the spotlight is on the front yard. We go out front, and the street is lit up. Now, I figure this can't be related - the police wouldn't use a helicopter out for a parking violation. But, just as Edgar and Erika are about to get in the car, a police cruiser pulls up behind them. We all can't believe it. So, I go over, and Edgar is explaining the situation to an officer. She asks if anybody has been drinking, we all say no, she lets them go. the end. Not quite. So, I go back inside and call Emily to tell her what's happened. As I'm on the phone, Noah and his friends come back inside laughing. I get out of them the following: They went and talked to our neighbors, to see if they knew what was going on. They told Noah that somebody was removing their clothing in someone else's front yard. Now, apparently my other neighbors, the ones with the crazy lady who sits out front to make sure nobody parks in front of her house, or so that people wont let their dogs pee in her yard, are out of town, and told us not to have any parties. Like she has some sort of legal rule of our house. Anyway, she told her house sitter to call the cops if there was any noise after 11 pm. Now, when Noah and his friends went out tonight, Dylan was standing in her front yard, stretching and junk, and decided to whip out his nuts. Just whip 'em right out and go for a jog. He said it felt good - don't ask me... it's Dylan. So now we're all laughing because we think Dylan's nuts caused the Glendale PD to bring out a helicopter and comb the neighborhood. Then I talk to Erika, and the police told her that there was a guy who took off running away from a police car, and that they were looking for him. So I'm not exactly sure what the situation was in my neighborhood. But anyhow, that was the excitement for the night. In case you don't believe me, which would be an odd thing to do because I just wrote WAY too much for this to be fake, I'm posting some pictures and a small video of the helicopter. Funtimes. ![]() ![]()
Friday, June 03, 2005 Fotoupdate! I went to santa monica and venice beach today with Mcfly. I bought a hat. Maybe I'll post a picture of it later. Maybe not. I post relatively few pictures of myself. We'll see. Anyhow, on with the pictures!! (As always, click fotos to enlarge.) ![]() I thought this was a nice picture, so I took it. That's all. ![]() I thought this was a really good looking dog. He barked at me promptly after taking his picture. ![]() A local hangout place? It wasn't enough to say it was a hangout, they also had to say it was a place. Incidentally, there wasn't a single person hanging out today. I don't think there were any employees "hangin' out" either. How peculiar. ![]() It's hard to see, but this big guy's driving and eating Del Taco at the same time as his wife sits next to him. I'm not sure how many tacos he had, but this was taken a good 6 or 7 minutes after I first noticed him. I just thought he embodied the idea of America pretty well, and I thought that was funny.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 Scrubs is GREAT! I bought the first season DVD yesternight - funtimes. Anyway, I got the following from IMDB. I knew about the voicemail thing, but the actual phone?!! Ohman, that's so great... In the Season 4 Episode My Malpractical Decision (409) Dr. Chris Turk, played by Donald Faison, changes his cellphone number to 1-916-Call-Turk. Unlike other shows and movies, this number is actually a valid number that most of the times will take your to a voice message telling you the latest info about Scrubs. However, as the phone is placed on the set where Scrubs is being filmed, every now and then, people from the cast or crew answers the phone to have a word with whoever is calling.