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| Wednesday, June 29, 2005 So, except for the huge spider in my room, te-haas is pretty not horrible! here's some pictures. ![]() A cool thing I saw in a museum. I know, a museum in Te-haas, right?... but they have one! ![]() In a thrift store. Apparently, grammar doesn't come at a good price... ![]() Some sort of special frisbees or something. Saw it at a thrift store. A bunch of people came in and bought some. This one's for McFly, obviously. As if anyone else cares about frisbees... ![]() Cool car. If you know what it is, leave a comment and tell me. I wanna know. ![]() On the floor in the Toys (backwards)R' Us. Someone's clever. An elephant and a gorilla - HA! It is to laugh! ![]() Emily being.. um...... hot? Sure, why not. And the coup d'etat... no. Not that. Something else, but in French, and meaning something important. I give you photographic evidence of the End of the Universe (according to Lewis Black) right here in good ol' Houston, TH. That's right. A Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks. Enjoy it in PANORAMAVISION ![]()