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Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
So, except for the huge spider in my room, te-haas is pretty not horrible! here's some pictures.

A cool thing I saw in a museum. I know, a museum in Te-haas, right?... but they have one!

In a thrift store. Apparently, grammar doesn't come at a good price...

Some sort of special frisbees or something. Saw it at a thrift store. A bunch of people came in and bought some. This one's for McFly, obviously. As if anyone else cares about frisbees...

Cool car. If you know what it is, leave a comment and tell me. I wanna know.

On the floor in the Toys (backwards)R' Us. Someone's clever. An elephant and a gorilla - HA! It is to laugh!

Emily being.. um...... hot? Sure, why not.

And the coup d'etat... no. Not that. Something else, but in French, and meaning something important. I give you photographic evidence of the End of the Universe (according to Lewis Black) right here in good ol' Houston, TH. That's right. A Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks. Enjoy it in PANORAMAVISION

imma gonna miss you a lot a lot!!

it's been fun.

comments from memory, in no particular order:
1. i care about frisbees! ::pause:: hahahahahahahhaha, just kidding. gawd who really gives a shit about plastic discs!
2. that car is...really expensive
3.hah, laddy...
4. HOLY SHIT, IT'S A STARBUCKS ACROSS THE STREET FROM A STARBUCKS!!! did you see your doppelganger twin, or 'good josh' as i would call him?
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