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| Sunday, June 12, 2005 I haven't updated for a few days, but I'm sure if you're reading this, that probably means you read it on a semi-regular basis, and you've probably noticed this already. So I went to see Cinderella Man the other day, which was rather good. I never really understood the appeal of boxing, but then McFly and I watched the Cotto-Abdullaev fight on HBO today, and it was pretty entertaining. Well, not really entertaining, but more enthralling. You sort of just sit there and watch it. I understand now why guys get together to watch the fight now, and maybe I'll start doing that. And maybe not. Anyway, back to my point. We (McFly, Matt, and I) saw the movie in Burbank, and were walking back to the car when we started reading all the quotations on the ground. You see, at the Burbank theater, they have famous quotations on the ground in little plaques. So, I took a picture of this one, because I'm pretty sure that's not the exact quote. There's a closeup if you can't see my problem with it all that well. I apologize for the photos, but it was midnight or so. I'm surprised my camera got ANYTHing... Ugh. I hate that so much. Like spelling it "damm" makes any sort of difference. I can see it now. They decided to put the most famous line from one of the most famous movies in the ground and someone just shouts out, "But think of the CHILDREN!" Fuck! Why don't people realize that words are just representations of an idea. There's nothing wrong with the letters "d" "a" "m" or "n" alone, but if you put them together, people think it makes some sort of evil-magical thing that we have to protect children from. It's not the word; the word is arbitrary! It's the idea it represents! And how is the idea that "damn" represents any different than the idea "damm" does? How does that change anything (except for making it seem very very silly)... In other news, I've renewed my love of photography. I took out my camera and realized that there was film in it from years ago. So after snapping a few pictures to finish out the roll (and the subsequent next roll), I developed the film. It's sort of like a time capsule and junk. Here's a sample of what's been in my camera for years. Remember the fires that came to Glendale?....