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| Thursday, October 30, 2003 Okay, what is with the necessity for everything to be "extreme." it started with extreme sports, then extreme TV, and now ANYTHING sells better if the word "extreme" is used as a prefix. Case and point: ![]() Look at the flavor. "Extreme Herbal Mint"?!!!!!!! Whatthecrap is that?! Extreme mint?!! Mint? EXTREME?!!! Wow... this is going a little far...
I apologize to all of you who do not like poetry, but I'm in that kind of a mood. Please read them, they're all very good, and these men write a hell of a lot better than I... Memory One had a lovely face, And two or three had charm, But charm and face were in vain Because the mountain grass Cannot but keep the form Where the mountain hare has lain. - WB Yeats Indeed, Indeed, I Cannot Tell Indeed, indeed, I cannot tell, Though I ponder on it well, Which were easier to state, All my love or all my hate. Surely, surely, thou wilt trust me When I say thou dost disgust me. O, I hate thee with a hate That would fain annihilate; Yet sometimes against my will, My dear friend, I love thee still. It were treason to our love, And a sin to God above, One iota to abate Of a pure impartial hate. - HD Thoreau Carmen 85 Odi et amo: quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. - Catullus
Tuesday, October 28, 2003 what what WHAT?! Did I actually update TipsForSuccess?!!! I believe I did! WOW!! Go there now! Laugh and be merry!
Monday, October 27, 2003 Friday, October 24, 2003 Well, I'm writing a bunch today, huh? So, I'm sitting here in Ground Zero at school, listening to Zane play with his group. I recorded a bit of it, and I'll put it online right now. I haven't heard it yet, so I dunno how well it recorded. Anyway, enjoy! Musac!!
Alex Trebeck: Okay Josh, you have control of the board. Me: Yes, give me "The Stupidest, Bitchiest, Most Evil, Most Hypocritical, Worst Person I've Ever had the Displeasure of Hating" for $1000. Alex Trebeck: And the answer is... BEEP BEEP BEEP Alex Trebeck: Oh, I'm sorry, that sound means it's the end of the round. Stay tuned for Double Jeopardy after these messages...
Tuesday, October 21, 2003 Awwwww yeeeeah, look at this shit! I got an email from GEORGE W. BUSH!!! What, you dont believe me?! FINE! What do I care?! But here's the proof, baby! ![]() This is my Inbox. Notice the letter from Dubya! Booyah! ![]() Awww yeah, the important governmental-type letter itself! Hot daYmn, don't you wish YOU were important enough to get email from G. Dubya?!
Monday, October 20, 2003 This is my post dedicated to David. Few will understand the inside joke, but you all may bask in enjoyment whilst watching my beautiful (quickly animated!) little cartoon: cartOOOOOn!!!! YAY!!
Sunday, October 19, 2003 Quite a week, eh? And a shitty one at that. I had two papers and a midterm all on consecutive days. What a bitch, huh? Well, this is my message. If college wants to FUCK with me, he's gonna have to do a HELL of a lot better than that. THAT'S RIGHT BIOTCH! Bring it on, you ugly bastard! BRING IT!! Besides that, I feel pretty crappy, but whatcha gonna do, right? Sooo, fuckit, lets get a look at an elephant sitting on a stool!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2003 I have decided to include the following word as an acceptible form of the word "alright" in addition to "ite." Introducting... a'right A'right folks!! Use it. Love it. Be it.
Here's the most disturbing thing I heard all day: Matt: I feel fat. Me: (looks around, cluelessly) Matt: I ate as much as a small baby weighs...
Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Just wanted to show this to everyone, it is a picture of my buddy list with Hannah and James's away messages: ![]() Seriously, how disgusting is this?!
I regret not applying to NYU. I am not enjoying school. I am not doing what I want to be doing. I've got nothing to show for my work thus far, maybe a couple of stupid papers. I was actually contemplating applying for transfer to NYU next year. I even looked it up online. I dont like bullshitty classes. I remember thinking that college was going to be so much better, when I was still in high school. It's not. It's killing me. Well, something's killing me. And I dont enjoy being killed. I am an arts major, and I dont have a single creative class. This sucks. There is very little happiness right now, and I dont appreciate that. Later.
Okay, dont ask me what I was searching for on ebay, but this is the funniest thing ever! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2956788449&category=1467
I'm in Art History class right now. Class began at 11 o'clock. I woke up at 10:55. I also had a paper due today, for which I was just about done. But I hadn't printed it, hadn't spell-checked it, and I wanted to re-draw some things that I needed to draw. So, I woke, yelled a bit, then printed it, and ran to class, all smelly and nasty and feeling pretty shitty. And now I sit here, my paper has been turned in, and everything is fine. Well, everything in AHIS 120 is fine anyway...
Okay kiddies, this warning goes out to all of you: DO NOT BUY THESE! EVER!! ![]() Okay, but seriously, this stuff must have nicotine in it or something, because I had to put it in a drawer to stop myself from eating them. And there's like 15 little, tiny candies in each little tin, and they're not cheap! ARGH... I am addicted...
Sunday, October 12, 2003 It's Back!! Alex Trebeck: And we're back. If you're just tuning in, Josh is still in the lead with $45,000 and control of the board... Me: Yes, can I have "Things That Suck Hard Nuts" for $1000? Alex Trebek: And the answer is: This man's ability to fuck up just about anything has been compared to the destructive power of a hurricane. BEEP BEEP Me: Ah, yes. That would be me. Alex Trebeck: And that is the correct answer. Applause Alex Trebeck: We would have also accpeted your full name, Josh "I-Have-the-Ability-to-Fuck-Up-Just-About-Anything-in-Much-the-Same-Way-as-the-Destructive-Power-of-a-Hurricane" Gladstone.
Saturday, October 11, 2003 Courtesy the ever-lovely Julie, a new nickname for our very own Matthew Kang: Matty Pie!! Oh yeah... that's good stuff...
Thursday, October 09, 2003 I apologize in advance for this one. Nothing funny to see here. Really, you can just ignore this entire entry, if you so desire. It just feels good to type it. Nobody leaves comments anymore. Oh course, this is a slight hyperbole... very slight. I sure hope you guys, my ever-loving fans, enjoy this crap I put out - the surveys, the polls, tipsforsuccess, etc. I mean, I hope I'm not doing them for nothing. Althought, I'd probably do it anyway, since it's the only real good waste of time I have. I need a lot of diversion in my life, that way I dont think about all the shit I go through. What a fucking week from hell, no? Sorry.
Hey all, look what I made!!! Now you can take the Super-Accurate Personality Test, 3000X!!! Click here to take it. DO IT NOW!!!
Wednesday, October 08, 2003 Okay people, today's lesson. Johnny Nogood says, "Woot!" Suzy Stupidface says, "Whoot!" Bobby Thecoolestfuckingguyinthehistoryoftheworld says, "w00t!!" So, children, what did we learn? If you are a true hax0r 1337, or even if you just wanna be as cool as the Grand Master Hax0r, you will say "w00t!!" Anybody who says "woot" or "whoot" is a dumb-ass bitchy mother-fuck who deserves to die. If you are one such person, please make a selection from the following list of seven ways to die, and then execute yourself in such a manner: 1. Swallowing razor blades. 2. Being taken out back and shot. 3. Place a hot iron on your genitals. A few minutes later, take some poison. 4. Play "Red-Light, Green-Light" with other cars in an actual intersection. You can be the light caller!! 5. Put on a life-jacket and go out to sea, only to be starved to death and have your body eaten away by seagulls... or sea monsters... 6. Listen to "Mr. Roboto" by Styx until your ears bleed out. Then take some poison. 7. Jump out of an airplane, but pack a hot iron on your genitals instead of packing a parachute. For legal purposes, please do not actually attempt any of these activities, as they may result in serious injury. So, all you non-w00t sayers, get crackin'!! w00t!!
Sunday, October 05, 2003 Friday, October 03, 2003 Okay, here's my new big idea. This is the progression of the word "alright" in the past few years, with the boom in internet lingo: Alright -> Aight -> Aite But for some odd reason, it just stops there. So I've decided to be a little rebel and start the next step in the evolution of "alright." From now on, I will say, "Ite," and I encourage all of you out there to start using it right along with me. FIGHT THE POWER! Viva la Revolution!!
Wednesday, October 01, 2003 |