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| Tuesday, September 20, 2005 ![]() Saw this sign in Glendale. I can't tell if he's giving the middle finger, or if his hand is a penis... ![]() Howard. ![]() Here's Alex as the mob boss for my special effects class. ![]() Alex's "scar". Looks cool, eh? ![]() Here's Nathan in Special Effects smokin' a doobie. ![]() Here's the sergeant from Beetle Bailey in Special Effects. smokin' a doobie. I rigged him up.. cool, huh? Click the picture to watch the VIDEO!! (The full-size picture is here.) ![]() Bania felt remorse for being an ass to me, so he bought me tacos. So, thanks Bania! What he DOESN'T know is that he bought me a Big Fat Steak taco (which he won't allow me to buy for some reason). So, here's me eating it! ![]() First bite!! Looks delicious-o! ![]() YUMMY! ![]() Almost done!! ![]() MMMmmMmBOY, that was just super! Thanks, Bania. ..... now we're cool.
Monday, September 19, 2005 WEIRD! So, here I am in Sailing class. I decided to take my laptop today.. ANYhow. I came in a couple minutes late and sat in the back of class, and am chatting online and whatnot. Oh, and of course, paying just super attention. And I look over, and the moron next to me has his hand down his pants, grabbing his nuts and adjusting himself. IN CLASS. Here's a picture of the idiot: ![]() If he does it again, I'll try to get a picture and upload it.
Sunday, September 18, 2005 Haven't updated in a while. So, here's some stuff. Some of it's from filming today, some of it's from my cRAzY life... ![]() This is from filming the other day. I was lying on the ground waiting for something for a bit, and I decided the sky was very pretty. So this is the roof and sky. I like it. ![]() Here is the men's bathroom at the Alex Theatre. It's so classy, they provide reading material. NICE! ![]() Could be the GREATEST sign ever. It was at the set we shot at today. ![]() Here's part of a cool thing. Sorry it's out of focus. I think it's some sort of vacuum pump. ![]() Here's the back of the big vacuum chamber. Very neat. ![]() This is a thing. I really have no clue what it is. But it sure is cool lookin'... ![]() This is the front of the big vacuum chamber.
Monday, September 12, 2005 Wrote today as an away message. Now it's on my blog.
Sunday, September 11, 2005 More party pictures, as promised. These photos are courtesy Erik. Thanks, buddy! ![]() EDIT: Apparently this isn't from the same party, so disregard this photo. No wonder I was confused about jess being there... ![]() More of the party's modest beginnings. ![]() Not sure about this one, but it's the back (and butt) of some really cute random girl. Nice back, too. (Butt too, for that matter...) ![]() And the party goes all ape-shit-nutso-crazy. ![]() More of the full party. Pretty remarkable, huh? ![]() Yet more of all the peeps. ![]() This is after the police showed up. You can see some people have left. Still pretty ape-shit-nutso-crazy. ![]() Some guy doing a keg-stand. There were a lot of those. ![]() Vanjul in front of the black and white. ![]() Erik finishes off one of the kegs... IN A SOMBRERO!!! ![]() The Aftermath - Lots of Cups. ![]() The Aftermath - Basically the Same Shot as Before. ![]() The Aftermath - Down the driveway towards the street. ![]() The Aftermath - Up the driveway towards the epicenter. So, that does it. That was our party.
Saturday, September 10, 2005 So, here are the three pictures I took from last night. I'll see if erik has any I can get to put up. Sorry for the blurriness, but it was really dark, so the exposure was longer, and I was just trying to get them without anybody noticing. Anyhow... ![]() Here are the cops flirting with some girlies. ![]() Here's a real shitty picture from outside. This was after the cops told everyone to leave. ![]() Here's a picture of the cops standing around outside, not doing much. Look how many people were just standing around on our sidewalk... Maybe there'll be more pictures if anybody has some.
Threw a good party. Finished almost all of the three kegs. Had over 150 people at one point (or thereabouts). DPS showed up. LAPD showed up and hung around for an hour and a half. Once the party shut down, 50 or so people stood on the sidewalk for a half hour. Then we got tacos. Pictures to come tomorrow, most likely. Quote of the night (about 5 minutes ago) Erik: You know what? Suck me apple-boy.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005 It's been a while. Sorry. ANYHOW. School's going. Shot some film, but have yet to see it. Em's going to texas this weekend... I guess that about does it. Here are some random and funny pictures from throughout the week. ![]() I doodled this in class. I really like it! ![]() Here's Em trying to return her microwave to Target. See next picture to see why this is funny at all... ![]() The Customer Service guy wrote this note on Em's microwave. ![]() It screams when the motor is speeded up!! ![]() This is sheet music on the wall at the Silent Movie Theatre. Good idea in 1919, good idea in 2005. ![]() Oh, that's right. It's the Wonkavator!!!! ![]() Here's a squirrel that really seemed to like me the other day. A very odd position for him to be in. ![]() We cleaned a bunch. Here's steve with the pizza boxes from the kitchen. So that does it for now. I'll try to update more regularly. EDIT: So, Cingular implemented a new voicemail system. If you have any ideas as to what my new message should require (i.e. silly voices, foreign accents, etc), leave me a comment.
Saturday, September 03, 2005 Scott, Emily and I went to In N Out before a movie tonight. At In N Out, they have a little "fun pack" of stickers and such. This was Scott's FunCard:
Thursday, September 01, 2005 |