
Recent Voicemails

1. Erik
2. Mumsy
3. JT$
4. Emily
5. Emily
6. Mcfly
7. Mcfly
8. Pops
9. Emily

Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
It's been a while. Sorry. ANYHOW. School's going. Shot some film, but have yet to see it. Em's going to texas this weekend... I guess that about does it. Here are some random and funny pictures from throughout the week.

I doodled this in class. I really like it!

Here's Em trying to return her microwave to Target. See next picture to see why this is funny at all...

The Customer Service guy wrote this note on Em's microwave.

It screams when the motor is speeded up!!

This is sheet music on the wall at the Silent Movie Theatre. Good idea in 1919, good idea in 2005.

Oh, that's right. It's the Wonkavator!!!!

Here's a squirrel that really seemed to like me the other day. A very odd position for him to be in.

We cleaned a bunch. Here's steve with the pizza boxes from the kitchen.

So that does it for now. I'll try to update more regularly.

EDIT: So, Cingular implemented a new voicemail system. If you have any ideas as to what my new message should require (i.e. silly voices, foreign accents, etc), leave me a comment.

this entry made me giggle like a giddy little girl!

p.s. your new voicemail should be songs.!.
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