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| Sunday, February 27, 2005 Alright, Box Social update for February 27th, 2005: So, I had gone home to glendale with Emily for the weekend, but there was a partay going on back at school. So, since I had to drive there and back, that meant no alcohol for me (well, so I had a third of a cup of beer, so sue me...) Anyhow, since I was sober, I decided to document the night in a multimedia sort of fashion. ![]() As soon as I arrived, I was given this: a thoroughly tortilla'd camera... ![]() Here's the back of my cup. Didn't get the most use out of it, but it's still a cool cup. Click on it to see the front!! ![]() Here's Erik with his large beer. Click on it to see what it SHOULD look like. ![]() McFly lookin' mighty smooth. ![]() Here's a disturbing piece of evidence if there ever was one.... MOVIE-TIME!! This is Erik and a bunch of guys 'moshing" (sort of) to Muse's Time is Running Out. Funny and all, but the best part is after the hardcore part, all the guys look like they have no idea what to do with themselves.... SO awkward........ (1 MB) And now we come to the greatest: This is StrongSad and Kyle "dancing" to the Strokes. Boy are they drunk! If only this were the first video of Kyle dancing drunk.... Well, at least it's a first for Dummy! (1.8 MB) (Note: the sound has been re-added for artistic purposes.... and because the original sound was so shitty. It sounded like the Muse video above, but I had to leave that sound because they were singing... nevermind!!)
Sunday, February 20, 2005 Friday, February 18, 2005 Wednesday, February 16, 2005 Okay, so it's been a bit since a good ol' fashioned update, so I thought I'd have a big multimedia blowout. And by multimedia, I mean single-media... pictures!!! ![]() Okay, so I got it in my head to draw all the hell over my face, kinda to roughen up my image a bit. The following are a bunch of masks the guys and I made. I dont have a picture of me wearing my mask, but I did scan it. ![]() Zach taking a break ![]() For any of you with doubts that he really IS Strongsad.... ![]() Click on this to download a printable version, and make a mask for yourself!! The rest of these are from the Everybody Else concert I went to at the Troubadour yesterday. They rock! (I have videos, but the quality sucks, so I'm not posting them... or else this really would be multimedia...) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, February 15, 2005 I just ran all the way home from emily's apartment pretending to be an airplane. today was a good, good day.
Saturday, February 12, 2005 Hello. My name is George. Okay, that probably doesn't make sense to many people. but deal with it. So, after watching Alien last night, that crab at Newman Hall is creepin' me out to the max. Here's a picture of it. If it isn't creepy to you, click the picture it to see Erik standing next to it... to get a sense of scale. ![]()
Thursday, February 10, 2005 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Went to a thing and saw TomHanks yesterday. Don't believe me? Here, I'll prove it... sort of... ![]() P.S. Look at the new section-deal to the left there... HOORAY VOICEMAIL!
Sunday, February 06, 2005 So, if you've called me in the past few months, chances are you've heard my voicemail. In case you haven't, it used to request that you leave any message in the form of a poem, preferably with rhyming couplets. If you've heard my voicemail in the past couple days, you'd know that I've changed it so that now you have to leave a message as a member of the opposite sex. Well, I have decided to put the first message I received online, for your listening pleasure. Yes, folks, this is my mother... Oh, mother dearest...
Wednesday, February 02, 2005 |