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| Wednesday, September 29, 2004 Ser·en·dip·i·ty n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties
So, today, I realized that I had to get some money out of the ATM. Now, I was with StrongSad at the time, who suggested that I use the ATM inside commons, as the one outside near the bookstore had a long line. He was right, because the one inside had only one person in line... although I guess it's not really a line if there's only one person - more of a dot. Anyhow, next to the ATM is this vending machine that sells DVDs. Usually, I don't look at it, as I'm not usually there. And USUALLY, there isn't anything I want to buy in it. BUT, today, it just so happened that it had a movie I wanted, and have wanted, for quite some time. Also, it was only $11. And I just so happened to be there to find it. ![]()
Sunday, September 26, 2004 WEEKENDER UPDATE Okay, so Erik, McFly, Gronsad and I all went to Weekender this past weekend. For those who don't know, Weekender is when a whole crapload of USC kids go up to either Stanford or Cal (it alternates years) for an away game. So, we drove up. Watched some Seinfeld, some Scrubs, some movies. Good times, for a car ride. Anyway, I have some pictures, courtesy Erik's camera. So, here they are. I'm sure he'll probably put them all up sooner or later, so if you're interested in pictures of the band, see Erik. PICTURE 1
Monday, September 20, 2004 THE LAMESET THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY How about THIS for posture recognition?!
Sunday, September 19, 2004 Friday, September 17, 2004 Wednesday, September 15, 2004 Sunday, September 12, 2004 i completely forgot to update this thing about what's been goin' on. THURSDAY: Dumb. Did my chem "lab." Went to Elaine's and hung out with her for a while. She is honestly one of the most interesting people i've ever met. She's just so much different than I am, it's really interesting to talk to her. I like her. FRIDAY: Box Social. About 50 people showed up in all, most of whom I don't know. But it was good. I think everyone had a good time. Only tom got really drunk, but that wasn't entire because of the Box Social. I think that was more from the horn party he was at. We went through 24 coronas and 29 bud lites, and a little vodka. It was a blast though. Hopefully we'll be able to do it again next friday. But sadly, I blew out my speakers. I'm going to buy new ones on ebay. HOPEfully those will last longer... SATURDAY: Watched the game with a very hung-over thomas. But we won, so it was good. Later that night, we went down to the row and hung out at thetaxi with derek for a bit. Had a couple, went to taco bell, came back, watched three's company and full house and called it a night. Good Times TODAY: Went to Ralphs... yeah that was just about the high point in the day. But it's cool because LOOK WHAT THE DEUCE I BOUGHT!! RANDOM SCAN: These were WELL worth the $20. ![]()
Friday, September 10, 2004 Well, Andy has been requesting that the random scan of the day be porn, and I am not one to forsake porn upon my readers... Now, you see, I could have just put a porn picture on here, but then it wouldn't really have been scanned. So, I decided to print a picture out and then re-scan it. However, I really didn't want to waste a lot of ink, so I printed it small. Please Note: This is my first full-page scan to be posted on here, so this is the actual 8.5X11 piece of paper. If you're interested, the girl's name is Minori Aoi. She's a pretty famous Japanese porn star (not that I'd know...) ![]() Click the picture to see the original, you pervert, you. But be WARNED, the girl IS very naked, so don't click if you get offended by that!
Thursday, September 09, 2004 Wednesday, September 08, 2004 Just an observation: You know your country's media is a fucking mess when the best news coverage of the Presidential campaign comes from MTV...
Tuesday, September 07, 2004 McFly wanted a picture with StrongSad's friend, Allison. Here's the picture for all to enjoy! ![]() Click picture to see it SUPERSIZED TO THE MAX!! ![]()
Sunday, September 05, 2004 I hate to write entries about how nobody leaves any fucking comments on my blog, but NOBODY LEAVES ANY FUCKING COMMENTS ON MY BLOG! So, do it! COMMENT. How else am I supposed to know that anybody is sadistic enough to forces themselves to read this drivel? HOW?! TELL ME!! ANyhow, on that note: ![]() This is a scan of the business section of one of my favorite shirts.
Thursday, September 02, 2004 Wow, a lot of blog updates recently. Make sure you guys go and read stuff you've probably missed, because I keep layin' on the funny on a very regular and frequent basis. So, I thought I'd introduce you to my chem teacher, Prof. Charles McKenna and the technical assistant Bruno Dr. Herreros (sic.). So, here they are. ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, September 01, 2004 Didn't really do much today. Had a japanese test, which was not fun, and then.... wait a tick. Is today Wednesday, September 1st? Why, yes, yes it is! You know what that means! TAPE-PENIS!!! Yes that's right, I went to Parkside, made a tape-penis, and stuck it on someone's door. Here are the photos. Sorry they're not the highest of quality - it was StrongSad's camera phone. ![]() ![]()
Hot Water Update - 2004 LOS ANGELES Sept. 1 (AP), The hot water in Cardinal Gardens apartment A505 has reversed back to its original position on the shower dial, sources say. Apartment resident Josh Gladstone released the following statement: "The hot water is back to normal. It's weird." Sources were unable to speculate as to whether the hot water will reverse again this year. "I think they're doing it to us on purpose - you know, to keep us on our toes," remarked Gladstone. More as it develops.