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| Monday, January 31, 2005 Other people stared as if we were both quite insane Someday my name and hers are going to be the same The Hollies
Saturday, January 29, 2005 Box Social Update ![]() It was StrongSad's birthday ![]() This was his cup. I think it's a very natural look for him.. ![]() Here's the score at the beginning of the night... ![]() ...and a little later...... ![]() ...and the Final Score.
Thursday, January 27, 2005 Monday, January 24, 2005 A conversation between Daniel Hamilton and myself, in reference to my away message at the time which read, "I have to drain Col. Whizzer..." Daniel: Worst. Daniel: Away. Daniel: Message. Daniel: EVER. Me: awha?!! Me: what was wrong with that?! Me: what would be better? Me: "Peein'-Time"? Me: that's a little unoriginal Me: i supposed i could make up a song of some sort Daniel: I guess so. Me: like... Daniel: Mmmm song. Me: It's time to pee, it's time to pee Me: oh my oh me, it's time to pee Me: take out your hat Me: take out your ski Me: it's time to pee for you and mee Me: me* Me: that's actually not too shabby Daniel: You've a promising future.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Well, nobody even guessed, but the answer was my Nintendo DS. I guess I won't be doing those anymore. ANYhow. So tonite, David and I decided to apply some real butch press-on tattoos, so here's a real manly photo of it. ![]() Click on the picture to see a more realistic interpretation...
Sunday, January 16, 2005 Yesyes, the answer to the last one was a Flintstone's Multivitamin, and to be specific, it was a red Dino the dinosaur. Okay, that was kind of a little fun, so I've decided to do more of these in the new segment... What IS this?! I think this one's too easy, but here 'goes! Be first to guess and you win me moving on with my life!! ![]()
Friday, January 14, 2005 OHSWEETHOLYDEUCEIT'SBACK RANDOMSCANTIME!!! ready?good!herewego! ![]() First person to correctly identify this WINS!
USC Film School is intense. CTPR 242 - Sound My fucking teacher fucking INVENTED THX! AND he named "5.1 Surround Sound" He also fucking showed us clips from Star Wars that probably nobody else has seen who hasnt been in that class. How he got them from Lucas, I've got no idea... CTPR 241/290 - REAL Producitony Shit I've had two classes, and next week our first film is due. Not to mention that we have to have read an entire screenplay, taken a few notes, and picked a scene from it that we like. CTWR 413 - Screenwriting My fucking teacher fucking WROTE Raging Bull!!! Jesus. First assignment due next week. CTPR 327 - Camera Junk This one's fun. I think it's gonna be like 280. Good. Like I said - Intense.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 "Under these conditions since every event in the world can be revealed to me only as an opportunity (an opportunity made use of, lacked, neglected, etc.), or better yet, since everything which happens to us can be considered as a chance (i.e., can appear to us only as a way of realizing this being which is in question in our being) and since others as transcendences-transcended are themselves only opportunities and chances, the responsibility of the for-itself extends to the entire world as a peopled-world." Jean-Paul Sartre ...makes sense to me..............
Saturday, January 08, 2005 Nobody sits like this rock sits. You rock, rock. The rock just sits and is. You show us how to just sit here, And that's what we need. - Albert Markovsky
Thursday, January 06, 2005 Today I bought a lot of stuff. I bought an external harddrive, picture below. ![]() and then i bought a kickass cashmere sweater... ![]() and if they combine forces?!!!! ![]()
Monday, January 03, 2005 Well, I watched all 12 episodes of the Law & Order marathon today. Jerry Orbach was in all of them. Boy, how I'll miss him being on TV...
Sunday, January 02, 2005 |