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Friday, January 14, 2005
USC Film School is intense.

CTPR 242 - Sound
My fucking teacher fucking INVENTED THX! AND he named "5.1 Surround Sound" He also fucking showed us clips from Star Wars that probably nobody else has seen who hasnt been in that class. How he got them from Lucas, I've got no idea...

CTPR 241/290 - REAL Producitony Shit
I've had two classes, and next week our first film is due. Not to mention that we have to have read an entire screenplay, taken a few notes, and picked a scene from it that we like.

CTWR 413 - Screenwriting
My fucking teacher fucking WROTE Raging Bull!!! Jesus. First assignment due next week.

CTPR 327 - Camera Junk
This one's fun. I think it's gonna be like 280. Good.

Like I said - Intense.

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