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| Wednesday, November 24, 2004 Monday, November 22, 2004 Saturday, November 20, 2004 Sooo... I'm slightly inebriated right now and it is GOOD. Mario's here. I hung out with him and JT$ tonight. We went and saw the SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE and it was FANFREAKIN'TASTIC. My god! It was great! I definitely need to buy a poster and the DVD when it comes out and junk like that. Anyway, that's an update for right now. Later, kiddos.
Thursday, November 18, 2004 Well, that was a pretty crappy entry. I get stupid late at night, and slightly incoherent too, apparently. I was gonna delete it, but I decided not to, for posterity or something. Anyhow, my favorite Kanji in Japanese means "Room." It's pronounced "Heya." I just laugh every time, and can't help but singing in my head...
We honestly did not order pizza until last week. I guess we're making up for it. 3 more pizzas today. Plus, Erik got cinnastix, or cinnasticks, or whatever yuppie-appealing way it's spelt. So, the week's been pretty uneventful (and by week, I mean school-week). On Saturday, I plan on going to City Walk for the product launch of the NIntendoDS. You can be sure I'm picking one up, and they're gonna be giving shit away too. Hopefully it'll be a hot time. I thought there was a Law & Order Marathon this friday, but it's the week after, so that kind of disappointed me. I know, I'm obsessed, but I recognize it, and I'm okay with it. Let see, what else. I think I've decided to just give up on Kina. (I think I've decided? who taught me how to write?...) So that's kind of depressing too. It's just, she's really cool, and I dont even know. I'm not sure how personal I'm supposed to get on this blog. I know most people who actually read this, strike that... I know most person who actually reads this sure as hell doesn't read it for my personal issues, but more for entertainment value. But fuck you, this is supposed to be for me, right? Maybe not. Anyhow, back to what I was talking about. It just seems like since junior year, I haven't even pictured myself in a relationship. I mean, who wants one? They're annoying. I just wanted to play the field. So, I guess Kina's the first girl in a long while who I've actually thought about like that. Oh well. I've gotten over girls before. It really isn't that hard to do. Here, I'll share my wisdom with you: Dr. Josh's Patented One-Step Process to Get Over a Female Step 1: Find another girl. And it's true too. ANyway. I sure hope Kina doesn't read this. I'm pretty sure she doesn't, but if she does frequent my little thing I've got goin' here, then here's a message to Kina, and for Kina alone... Kina! Hey, how's it goin'? Right, right. That's super. So yeah, do me a favor at least pretend you didn't read this when you're around me, because it'd be incredibly embarrassing enough for me if you actually have read it. Thanks... Wow, I really didn't intend to write this much. Sorry if it was too sentimental or too train-of-thought for you, but it's 3 in the morning, so you'll have to forgive me. G'night!
Sunday, November 14, 2004 College is good. My past 3 meals have consisted of the following:
![]() Hooray College!
Today was a good day. If you know why, you'll agree; if you don't, you'll just have to take my word for it... Winky-Smilie! ;)
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 Okay, well I've never been one to ignore my O' So Loyal Fans; therefore.... Zhang Ziyi is down there because she has been fairly out of the spotlight this year. Aside from Hero, I haven't seen her at all. Of course, the mere fact that she's alive grants her admission to the list, but as I have not seen her a lot, she is not number one. To address the second part of your question, yes I realize it's almost the end of 2004, and as sad as I am to see it go (which is not very sad at all), rest assured that a new list will be published at the beginning of 2005, and of course all names from 2004 will be removed except for Zhang Ziyi assuming that she is indeed alive, as mentioned before. This is not to say that certain names will not return to the list (i.e. Kina because she's so hot), but the list will start fresh on January 1st. Asked and answered.
Monday, November 08, 2004 Saturday, November 06, 2004 Erik walks into my room, Sly's changing, I'm sitting at my powerbook Erik: Do you think Diet Coke would sell better if it was called Coke Lite? I look around the room a few times, extremely puzzled. Me: Where the fuck am i? Stupid-question-ville? You had to be there...
It's Sly's birthday today, and yesterday's party was freakin' great. Anyhow, here's the newest member of our room... Introducing Reginald McHoot III
Wednesday, November 03, 2004 Bush was favoured among white men, voters with family incomes over $100,000 US and evangelical Christians who view him as a messenger from God in a titanic fight to quell terrorism and spread liberty around the world, while Kerry was the overwhelming favourite of black voters, Hispanics, union households and was supported by many younger voters. ... Interestingly, voters in the states that were hit on Sept. 11 - the District of Columbia, New York and Pennsylvania - lined up solidly behind Kerry Canadian Press Sometimes I cannot fucking believe this country.
No matter what happens, George Walker Bush will never be my President. He does not speak for me, and he does not represent my country. All I can say right now is that I shall go to bed tonight hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised by CNN tomorrow morning. Comeon CNN, comeon Ohio, pull through for us. Edit: I am awake and I am unhappy.