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| Tuesday, August 31, 2004 The hot water in my shower flipped yesterday. Isn't that strange? For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I used to turn counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise for those of you across the pond), to get hot water, and clockwise for cold. But as of yesterday morning, it's the other way 'round. At first, I thought it was temporary, but it remains unchanged today. It's just very odd. A conundrum, if you will. Random Scan: This one's not technically a scan, it's just a name-tag I made for our fifth roommate. I could go take it and scan it, but why do that when I have the original image on my harddrive? ![]()
Saturday, August 28, 2004 It's that time again!! RANDOM SCAN OF THE DAY. Today's scan is my USCard. For those who don't attend the University of Southern California, that's pronounced: Oo-Scar'd So, here it is. Now, since there's OH SO MUCH you can do with some kid's 10 digit number, I blurred that out for safety reasons... ![]()
Friday, August 27, 2004 Okay, random scan of the day, folks. Who knows how long I'll keep this up, or even how often I'll do it, but it should be funnier than a wet monkey in a pile o' hay! So without further ado, here's the receipt from when I cancel'd my health insurance for the year: ![]()
Thursday, August 26, 2004 Thanks solely to the power of suggestion, I just went and got a Flintstones Push-Up. Thought you should know. you're welcome.
I decided to get rid of the question marks and just put the girl's real name up there. Just in case anyone wanted to know, but is less than observant.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 Second day of classes. All of my classes seem cool so far, but I have to buy books I was hoping I wasn't going to have to buy. I only have one class tomorrow, but I have a lot to do. Gotta sign up to take a couple of my classes pass/fail, and I also have to get ANOTHER uscard. I got a new one because my old one was ripping, and now it doesn't get me in the building. How lame. Chrishtine came over the other day to see me before she left. So that was good. Not that she's leaving, that... yeah you get it. Also, I've removed British EASC girl, and added another person to my list over there, but I shant reveal a name in the off-chance that someone (namely her) actually reads this thing. Heh. Yeah, so now to a randomly scanned image! ![]() enjoy that?
Thursday, August 19, 2004 So, I'm all moved in and junk. I have a feeling this year will be better than last. I mean, at least my roommates aren't dicks like last year. YOU try living with matt... HAHA, joke. So, I got a printer/scanner now. My blog thanks me, as should all of you who read its wonderful somethingorothers. I mean, now that I can scan junk, just IMAGINE the possibilities. For example: ![]() Ohh, it's gonna be a good year.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004 I dunno why the colors on my blog are messed up. Cant really figure it out. Hopefully it'll fix itself. If not, well, i dunno.
Monday, August 16, 2004 I'm glad matt likes my package.... I you've no idea what I'm talking about, read the comment he left on my previous entry. So, it's been a while, so here's a recap. Dyed my hair. Went to Disneyland. JT left for bandcamp. Matt came back. Game Nite. And now we're caught up. The end.
Thursday, August 12, 2004 Glad she admits it... Me: go bake something Jess: oh ok what should i make? Me: umm Me: i dunno Me: pie or brownies Jess: but.. i'm a stupid girl i couldn't possibably make a decision like that Me: brownies then
Monday, August 09, 2004 HUGE FREAKIN' UPDATE!! You guys wouldn't believe this one unless I showed it to you, so here it is. Click all the pictures to enlarge to see themFULL-SIZE ![]() This package came for me today. Notice who it's from. ![]() Inside the box was this. ![]() And this. ![]() Oh, and this. AND NOW, for the Coup D'etat, or some other such French words... ![]() ![]() HOW FREAKIN' AWESOME IS ALL THAT?!! Pretty freakin' awesome, that's how. Um. How much. YEAH MAN!! Note: McFly has led me to point out that no, they do not sign all of their shipments. This was a gift from the Brother Chaps. Thanks dad. Thanks the Brothers Chaps.
Saturday, August 07, 2004 Sunday, August 01, 2004 |