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| Tuesday, August 24, 2004 Second day of classes. All of my classes seem cool so far, but I have to buy books I was hoping I wasn't going to have to buy. I only have one class tomorrow, but I have a lot to do. Gotta sign up to take a couple of my classes pass/fail, and I also have to get ANOTHER uscard. I got a new one because my old one was ripping, and now it doesn't get me in the building. How lame. Chrishtine came over the other day to see me before she left. So that was good. Not that she's leaving, that... yeah you get it. Also, I've removed British EASC girl, and added another person to my list over there, but I shant reveal a name in the off-chance that someone (namely her) actually reads this thing. Heh. Yeah, so now to a randomly scanned image! ![]() enjoy that?