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| Monday, June 30, 2003 well, i'm not going to say whether or not my comments are working, because if i say they are, they wont be, and if i say they're broken, they'll be fine, so C’est la vie. i have a lot to write about today, but i dont think i want to, which is why i wrote this sentence... nevermind. geez, i ramble even in my blog!
what's this? a problem with my comments? well, i'll look at it later. so, those of you with comments (being, well, none of you...) just sit tight. here's an idea: write down any comments you have on a piece of paper (preferably white, but it's really up to you), and then, when my comments are fixed, you can leave the comments you wrote down! then, you can fold the paper thusly: ![]() See?! now, not only have you have fun leaving me comments, but you also have a throwing star with which to annoy your younger siblings! (if you are without younger siblings, older siblings will suffice. if you are sibling-less, a random person on the street will also be a fine substitute, just make sure that the person is not 1) bigger than you, or 2) cute. Also, for maximum hilarity, make sure the person is of respectible appearance, i.e. a bussinessman, a banker, or a king of some sort)
Sunday, June 29, 2003 THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN REPOSTED BECAUSE MATT TOOK IT OFF MY BLOG: because matt took it off his blog already, i decided to post this on here for your viewing pleasure. this was on his blog yesterday: A Haiku (Hacked by Stinkoman_20X6) My name is Matthew. I am a dumb little girl. I wear small panties.
Wednesday, June 25, 2003 word of the day: Proverbial (pr ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Sunday, June 22, 2003 Friday, June 20, 2003 hot fucken damn people! look at the below entry, and what do you see? A COMMENT!!! yes, that's right, i gots me a comment. it kinda reminds me of... E M A I L... heh. anyway, i am completely obsessed with the haunted mansion!
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 an added note: we've named my dog Howard Johnson... haha, that's funny everytime. of course, i came up with it, even though noah claims some credit (which he does not deserve by the way...)
i am graduated!!! the most poigniant part of the entire ceremony though, was as we were walking out behind the football field, as the music was playing. i walk along, arms folded, expressionless. this girl next to me, someone i've not so much as seen in my, turns to me and says, "well, you don't look very nervous." i looked out at the crowd, filling the bleechers, turned back and responded, "yeah, well it's only graduation." if you know me, then you would probably agree that that sounds like something i would say. it just struck me as odd, because here were all of these people, all nervous about finishing what they've worked so hard to accomplish. and so have i, but i just didn't get nervous. i suppose it's because i was ready for this. if you know me, you'd also agree that i've been graduated for over a semester now. and i've already done the whole, "everyone's going to be gone" thing, so really, there was nothing left for me to be nervous about. this ceremony just was not really important to me, i guess. it was symbolic for something that i have already dealt with and accepted. graduation, to me, was just another performance; like any concert or assembly i've been in. that is my entry for today.
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 i wish i could write like Poe: From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw; I could not bring My passions from a common spring. From the same source I have not taken My sorrow; I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone; And all I loved, I loved alone. Then- in my childhood, in the dawn Of a most stormy life- was drawn From every depth of good and ill The mystery which binds me still: From the torrent, or the fountain, From the red cliff of the mountain, From the sun that round me rolled In its autumn tint of gold, From the lightning in the sky As it passed me flying by, From the thunder and the storm, And the cloud that took the form (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view.
Sunday, June 15, 2003 Friday, June 13, 2003 i just have to write about this... so, today, instead of doing my government research paper, i decided it would be a good idea to hang out with the guys and boobie, and go to netforum, our new pc baang hangout. but that is not what i'm writing about. on my way driving there, going up glenoaks, with the sun in my face so that i had to put down that little shade that all cars have, i pull up behind this car at a red light. and coming out of this old-persons cadillac came the most elegant, slender, femine arm that i've ever seen. this girl in front of me must have been gorgeous. she was holding a cigarette up above the roof of her car, and tapping the ashes off of it, as smokers tend to do. as the light turned green, i squinted in the blinding sun to see if i could make out more of the profile of this heavenly creature. we drove for a couple of block, with me pondering whether or not i should merge right and pass her, so that i could get a quick glimpse of what would most certainly be her beautiful face. and then, we came to a red light, and she merged into the left turning lane, and i was diagonally behind her and to the right, behind some other car. one moronic car in front of me was keeping my eyes from beholding the sight of this girl. the light turned green and, thankfully, the turn signal did not. as i passed her car, i turned towards her, and she actually turned and looked at me, looking at her. i admit, i must have looked like an idiot, passing this girl with a dumb, blank look on my face, the kind you see when you're watching a movie, and you turn to someone sitting next to you, who is obviously very focused on the film. but she was gorgeous. so beautiful in fact, that it mattered little to me that she smoked, which is one of those thigns i really cannot stand. and so i passed her, and went on my way; but for that brief moment, when we saw each other... it was one of the best relationships i've had with a girl. and who cares if she thought i was ugly, or a moron, because that doesn't matter. chances are i will never see her again, and if i did, i probably wouldn't recognize her. but i'll have that memory of her, and i can just pretend that maybe, just possibly, she was thinking the same thing about me... except for all the "girl" stuff, that would have to be changed with the word "guy"... well, you get my point.
Sunday, June 01, 2003 |