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Who is HOTT in 2005

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2. McFly
3. Emily

Friday, June 13, 2003
i just have to write about this...

so, today, instead of doing my government research paper, i decided it would be a good idea to hang out with the guys and boobie, and go to netforum, our new pc baang hangout. but that is not what i'm writing about. on my way driving there, going up glenoaks, with the sun in my face so that i had to put down that little shade that all cars have, i pull up behind this car at a red light. and coming out of this old-persons cadillac came the most elegant, slender, femine arm that i've ever seen. this girl in front of me must have been gorgeous. she was holding a cigarette up above the roof of her car, and tapping the ashes off of it, as smokers tend to do. as the light turned green, i squinted in the blinding sun to see if i could make out more of the profile of this heavenly creature. we drove for a couple of block, with me pondering whether or not i should merge right and pass her, so that i could get a quick glimpse of what would most certainly be her beautiful face. and then, we came to a red light, and she merged into the left turning lane, and i was diagonally behind her and to the right, behind some other car. one moronic car in front of me was keeping my eyes from beholding the sight of this girl. the light turned green and, thankfully, the turn signal did not. as i passed her car, i turned towards her, and she actually turned and looked at me, looking at her. i admit, i must have looked like an idiot, passing this girl with a dumb, blank look on my face, the kind you see when you're watching a movie, and you turn to someone sitting next to you, who is obviously very focused on the film. but she was gorgeous. so beautiful in fact, that it mattered little to me that she smoked, which is one of those thigns i really cannot stand. and so i passed her, and went on my way; but for that brief moment, when we saw each other... it was one of the best relationships i've had with a girl. and who cares if she thought i was ugly, or a moron, because that doesn't matter. chances are i will never see her again, and if i did, i probably wouldn't recognize her. but i'll have that memory of her, and i can just pretend that maybe, just possibly, she was thinking the same thing about me... except for all the "girl" stuff, that would have to be changed with the word "guy"... well, you get my point.

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