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1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, October 15, 2006
So, after a month and seven day hiatus, how do I make up for all the lost time to all my reader? (..not a spelling mistake....) By ignoring my lack of posting completely! (except for that first sentence)

Here's something funny. Read it.
Me: you're coming back for thanksgiving, right?
Milky: yea
Me: alright
Me: we really do have to do shit this time
Milky: seriously
Me: like, for real
Milky: laserdiscs
Me: yes
Me: we can't just spoon and hold each other this time
Me: i mean, it's fun
Me: but it's not productive
Milky: or is it
Me: you told me you had your tubes tied!!!
Milky: kind of
Me: hahahaha
Milky: haha
Milky: look, i'm pregs man
Me: is it mine?!
Milky: probably
Me: nice

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