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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Okay, so stuff from the Strokes concert seems to be a more and more distant possibility, but I've got good stuff this time...

So, I went to shoot this thing for Becks (Rebecca for those who don't know her). It was pretty cool. Really small crew, really easy shoot and a short day to boot. And the plus? It was at the Scrubs hospital. All the sets have already been struck while they're off for the summer - and I mean the place is fucking desolate, but here are some goodies!

The ramp!! AHHHH!

More rampage. Not rampage like "RAWR! BREAK STUFF!!", but like, "ramp-age" ala beerage or pwnage.

A little blurry, but it's definitely the nurses' station.


ICU station desk deal. Groovy, huh?

Movie of me walking into the building.

Movie of me walkin' out. (The walking in one is better.)

So yeah, all in all, pretty fuckin' groovy times.


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