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4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
What?! Two posts in a week?! Just like old times, right? Nono, don't cry my darlings, it is a time to be joyous!

Anyhow, not much to say. It's 12:15. I just woke up. I feel good and rested. It's raining. Funtimes. Supposed to visit Erika tonight and see some kittens, so if that happens I'll have some oh-so-adorable pictures, I'm sure.

So, here's something I meant to upload a while ago but never got around to. I lit a piece of paper on fire and dropped it in a water bottle and played with the smoke. It was entertaining for a good 20 minutes.

And here is something that I found from a post a long time ago, and it reminded me of how cool I really am. (Entirely fuckin' cool, if you were wondering...) I scanned in some film I shot in a class and animated it manually! GROOVY! Enjoy.

Thats all for now!.

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