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Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Okay, pictures from our New Years Celebration, or as they say in German...

Fotos der Götenpartyfesten (don't ask me where that came from, as I really don't know)

Sorry, the quality ain't great, but it was a jolly-drunk time...

Ahh, the great game of Shots and Ladders. And so it begins...

The game progresses. Who will win?!

Erika is unhappy about my photography.

So unhappy, in fact, that she refused to face the camera whilst imbibing her beverage.

Alex, too, was thrilled about my photography.

Erika is happy in this picture, most likely because this was some Super-Secret-Covert-Photography. Eat your G-man heart out McFly.

One of the dice went into a shot glass. Jess decided it was best to drink the die to safety. Of course, she first had to ponder how to do it without choking...

...Ahhh, a solution! ... DRINK!

And, through the chaos and confusion, the game continues.

This is NOT a staged photograph. Jess actually did pass out. What does this mean?... why..

Yes but you should admit that while we did not stage Jessica's uninhibited pose, we did put the bottle of alcohol there. As well as several toy cars, beer cans, and other objects to commemorate Jessica's indulgent New Year's celebration, culminating in a rather intimate moment with the trashcan.

Jessica also has no memory of adorning herself with the um, festive, hat.

And by the way Josh you're weird. (silly face).

how's that for a comment?
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