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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Before I go to bed, here are just a couple of things I've been meaning to put up for a while but never got around to posting.

Here's a fortune I got at a chinese restaurant a while back. It doesn't really seem like a very positive fortune... actually, it doesn't seem like a fortune at all. More like really pessimistic advice.

Here's something I drew on my hand. I thought it was cute.

Do you think if I went as Bud Cort (Harold) from Harold and Maude for Halloween, anybody would recognize me?...

so erika posted another comment on josh's blog, and he was all like...


there are really many ways to look at a fortune. i bet they could all be made good, or bad. unless your fortune cookies just don't like you.

see, i just got a fortune cookie that said, "the radiance of wealth will shine upon you"

and i got all excited.

then my mom pointed out that that doesn't necessarily mean i get any of the wealth, i just get to look at it.


I think you might be able to pull of harold if you had a maude to go with you. Otherwise, bupkis. I'm already thinking about halloween next year. I think we should all be batman villians

i remember that fortune... it sorta makes me hungry.
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