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| Monday, August 22, 2005 Today is the first day of class, and I sort of have culture shock.. Or education shock. I'm so not used to having class, that I'm all stressed for no reason, because this week will most likely be very easy. But that aside, how about a... randomphotoupdate! ![]() Em and I were at a PayLess. Emily stood next to this thing to see her height..... ![]() Here's a close up, proving that Em is, in fact, 4' 7"...... I always knew it........ ![]() Okay, you have to look here, but in the middle of the picture, on the side of that building is a large penis. Yes. Large penis. It's on Melrose if you want to go look at it. I believe that's one of the three Sportie LAs on Melrose, and one of the two on that block... ![]() This was written on a stall in the Canter's bathroom. The handicapped stall on the end, if you want to go see it. I don't care what you say, you can't argue with this guy's point... And that, as they say, is that.