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| Thursday, March 25, 2004 I would like to use this entry to give thanks to Johannas Q. Bed, the inventor of the bed. The invention of the modern bed dates back to 1637, when Johannas Q. Bed was a young boy in what is now modern Austria. As a young lad, Johannas tired of sleeping on the cold stone floor of his parent's cottage, often causing him severe back pain. Johannas's father was a haberdasher, and one cold night, the teenage Johannas put a pile of coats his father had been working on onto the floor, and slept atop of them. The next day he awoke to find himself entirely alleviated of back pain. This prompted the boy to build a rudimentary frame for a pile of extra fabric he found around his father's shop, but when Johannas found that he did not have enough fabric to form a large enough pile, he instead sewed it together, stretched it over the frame, and nailed it into place. After some other basic improvements, such as piling more material on top of the "skin" he had stretched over the frame, and later placing this pile into a sack, creating the first mattress, Johannas Q. Bed went into business with his father selling the invention. Of course, the invention took the family name, and has forever since been known, quite simply, as a bed. http://www.bedknowledge.com/johannas.html