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| Wednesday, February 18, 2004 So here I am at 1:30 in the morning, you know, trying to find anything to do to not write my paper. Shit, I was even thinking about IMing people I should definitely not IM, just because it was something else to do. Oh, okay, sidenote here: my writing teacher said that I was too colloquial. There is no damn way in hell that I'm too colloquial.... okay, maybe a tad. Anyway, back to that thing I never got around to writing about the first time. It's 1:30, and I just checked the hits on my blog, which I also did about 10 minutes ago (like I said, I'm trying to find things to do here), and there are two more hits, not including my own! TWO HITS?! What other loser out there is reading my blog at this hour? WHO THE DEUCE ARE YOU?! Honestly, I really would like to know. Really!