
Recent Voicemails

1. Erik
2. Mumsy
3. JT$
4. Emily
5. Emily
6. Mcfly
7. Mcfly
8. Pops
9. Emily

Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Monday, January 26, 2004
Happy 6000+ to Me!!

Congratulations to whoever first reads this first, because you are the 6001st hit! w00t!!! Over 6000 hits! I can't belive this many people read this thing. Well, even though it's been up for a long time, there must be a bunch of people who look at this. Or at least a few... Who are you guys? I know Andy reads religiously (thanks, bro-ham), matt, jimbo and david read occasionally. But who else is out there in my Blo-viewer Land? Well, whoever you are, thanks for reading!

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