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Who is HOTT in 2005

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1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Monday, July 28, 2003
Me: Yes Alex, I'll take "Stating the Obvious" for $200.

Alex Trebek: And the answer is... the Daily Double!

Me: Wow, this is so unexpected. I'll wager... $1000.

Alex Trebek: Okay then, for $1000. This is your answer: ... This man used to write the so-called, "Jeopardy Fantasies," until a lack of creativity and interest caused him to take a brief hiatus.

Me: Oh, wow... I know this one... who is Salvador Dali?

Alex Trebek: No, I'm sorry. The correct answer is you. Who is you... But, it's still your board, so go ahead and pick another category.

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