
Recent Voicemails

1. Erik
2. Mumsy
3. JT$
4. Emily
5. Emily
6. Mcfly
7. Mcfly
8. Pops
9. Emily

Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, May 04, 2003
me: so, what's new with you?
person i'm talking to: not much

OH COME ON!!! nothing happens in my boring-ass life, so tell me SOMETHING. i thrive on the news of other people, so help me out, wouldja?!

on an unrelated note, i think i need to change the name of my blog, being that my fixation with alex trebeck (NOT SEXUAL!!!) is over... any ideas?

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