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1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, March 30, 2003
you know what really sucks? when i feel like my life is not good enough. there are lots of people who would kill to have my life. got into USC, got a scholarship, have great parents, etc. some people would kill just to fucking eat. and here i am, with my stupid, meaningless problems, pissed off 'cause some stupid girl doesnt like me anymore, and some stupid [ex-]friend hates me, feeling sorry for myself and hating my life. and in reality, my life isnt that bad. and that makes me feel worse, because then i realize that i'm some arrogant, self-absorbed little prick who cries because he doesnt get what he wants. it's like going to paradise and complaining because there arent enough palm trees or scantily clad women (of which there are never enough).

from now on, i'm going to sum up all of my posts by writing some words of wisdom, or an adage of some kind. so, without further adieu...

the summary: life is like the government - you can always find something to complain about.

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