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Sunday, March 23, 2003
well, if you had to leave it up to one person to screw my week over, who would it be? that's right, mel. she can be there for an hour and, somehow, make me feel like shit during my greatest week in a long time. i'm tired of it. i cannot deal with her any more, i seriously dont know what to do. what do i do? i cannot be her friend if she's not willing to put in any effort. it seems like she doesnt want me to be happy, like she will only be my friend if i'm miserable. i cant do it anymore. i want to be her friend, but not like this. what the hell do i say to her?

and on an unrelated note, what do i do about the girl i like? (i probably shouldnt write this on here, but then again, you already know about it, and it feels better writing about it). she's the only one who actually made me feel better this week. she's great to be around. but it's not going to go anywhere, so what do i do? i should move on, shouldnt i? she doesnt want a boyfriend, and i completely understand, and that's fine. but that means it's not going to go anywhere, which means we'll stay friends. but we'd stay friends anyway, so shouldnt i just move on? know what? i dont care. i overanalyze everything too much. whatever happens happens.

word of the day: whatever

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