
Recent Voicemails

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9. Emily

Who is HOTT in 2005

1. Emily, of course!
2. Kina
3. HannahLee
4. Your Name Could    Be Here!!


1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Sunday, March 02, 2003
havent posted in a couple days, partially 'cause there's not much to post. spent the past couple days procrastinating homework and playing master quest instead... ahh, video games, ahh, senioritis, ahhhh... life is good. hannah and matt watched A Clockwork Orange with me yesterday. i dont think they liked it as much as i did (and still do). i guess that film means more to me. it's just so beautiful. anyway, it was good to spend the day with hannah, being that i see her only once a week and i see matt's sorry ass all the goddamn time. nono, i jest. but time with hannah is always good... well, mostly good anyway. she said she wanted to learn magic (the card game), and we took her to legacy (the local comicbook store, also nerd-central station). man, what it musta been like to be her. it's like asking someone to teach you how to fish, and you throw 'em right in the water with all the sharks. so yeah, that was my weekend. i think i'll compose a haiku to summarize my weekend, so if you havent paid attention to a work i've written, just read this and get the gist of the whole shebang:

Watched a good movie.
Took Hannah to Legacy.

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