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Who is HOTT in 2005

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1. Alex
2. McFly
3. Emily

Wednesday, March 12, 2003
go read matt's blog! (the "tuesday update" bit - here's a link) he's right. we are a generation of men, raised by women, and taught to be more sensative to others. do not make fun of people, it hurts them. black people are no longer black, they're african american. handicapped people are differently abled. the world has been so perverted by empathy that most of these words have lost all meaning. as george carlin says, "shell shock" became "battle fatigue" and is now "post traumatic stress disorder." why?! because these words can hurt people's feelings.

the conclusion...

so what?! people are more sensative to the feelings of others. what the hell is wrong with that? oh, i'm sorry, the world is just too nice for you?! well then, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. you dont like it? go live on a different planet!


p.s. if the conclusion hurt your feelings, i appologize. and yes, i'm aware of the irony.

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